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    Update พี่ลิ้วเฮียง เตรียม wrap up แล้ว.. แต่ลุคเนี๊ยะ.. เหล่าโกวเนี้ย "ไม่ปลื้ม!! จบ!{แตกประเด็นจาก C4735171}

    รือ โกวเนี้ยท่านใดปลื้ม โปรดแสดงตัว

    ไหนๆ ก็แตกทู้ใหม่ แปะข่าวซ๊าหน่อย พี่ทั่นจะได้พักและ
    หลังจาก กรำแดด จนกลายเป็น กุมารดำ มาสี่เดือน

    Special Note : To people who are reposting this translation, Please make sure to CREDIT ONLY honeybums of KCIFC Philippines for the english translation & the original source of the article. No reposting to Chinese sites. Thanks for your cooperation.

    Zhu Xiao Tian wearing head gear and underwear in front of younger sister.

    Lian He Bao
    October 12, 2006

    Zhu Xiao Tian was photographed by an unnamed mainland tourist on location of the drama “The Legend of Chu Liu Xiang” wearing a head gear and white underwear and sleep trousers. He was laughing and talking to mainland actress Hu Jing and gave her a flying kiss. “Chu” drama is about to finish they are now stricter towards tourist.

    Zhu Xiao Tian’s manager Zhi Xiang Li expressed, Zhu Xiao Tian and Hu Jing are really bubbly, before this “hot news” “they are only co-actors who are good friends, those actions just show that he was only helping her carry a bag, there is no intimate relationship.” they have cleared this up a long time ago. Zhi Xiang Li said “Chu” drama is in Heng Dian filming and they would usually have tourists entering the location, the production group will control this as much as possible

    Regarding Zhu Xiao Tian wearing underwear and sleep trousers in front of Hu Jing, Zhi Xiang Li laughed: “Those aren’t sleep trousers, those are ancient trousers, Heng Dian has full of people walking around like this, and also actors wearing ancient costume buy things from the road side stores, he is ok.” It’s understandable, “The Legend of Chu Liu Xiang” will be finished before November, Zhu Xiao Tian has been filming for nearly 4 months now, he is requesting for a rest in Taiwan before filming a new drama again.


    จากคุณ : จ้ายโหยว่ - [ 12 ต.ค. 49 20:01:29 ]


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