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    Larry คอมเฟิร์มเจ๊โผล่ในวีดีโอของทัวร์มาดอนน่าจริง{แตกประเด็นจาก C6770617}

    จาก Access
    เอาแล้วไง จากปาก Larry Rudolph เองเลย ว่าเจ๊ทำแน่
    ด้านฝั่งมาดอนน่าคุณ Liz Rosenberg ก็ออกมาพูดยืนยันเหมือนกัน

    สรุปถ่ายจริง เจ๊เอาจริง ...................รอชม

    Britney To Join Madonna's World Tour In Video

    LOS ANGELES, Calif. --

    The last time Madonna and Britney Spears shared a stage together, the pop stars locked lips at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards in a kiss that shocked and delighted their fans.
    But now, Access Hollywood has learned the music powerhouses will once again share the stage in Madonna's upcoming "Sticky & Sweet" world tour-- though not exactly live.
    Despite rumors that Brit would join Madge onstage, the blonde duo will appear together, but only through a taped video performance, Access has confirmed.

    "Britney's doing a video piece this week for Madonna's new tour," Brit's manager, Larry Rudolph, told Access.

    The duo filmed a portion of the video Sunday that will be used during the concert, a rep for Madonna said.

    "Britney shot some footage with Madonna yesterday that will be used during Madonna's upcoming tour," the Material Mom's rep, Liz Rosenberg, confirmed to Access.

    As for a surprise appearance by Brit on stage alongside Madonna, fans should not hold their breath, according the rep.

    "I do not believe that Britney will be appearing live on the tour," she added.

    Madonna's "Sticky & Sweet," with Britney on video, kicks off October 4 in East Rutherford, New Jersey.


    จากคุณ : ผู้ชายก็แบ๊วได้ - [ 8 ก.ค. 51 13:59:26 ]


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