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    Taio Cruz : Pharrell,Kanye West,Timbaland Producing Tracks For Britney

    จาก breatheheavy

    "I have been writing and producing tracks for the new Britney record but as always with her, I'm not allowed to talk about the sound. Her career is riding on this record so I need to sit down and talk to her to make sure she is ready. The songs will be good - she has Kanye, Pharrell, Timbaland and me doing tracks for her. It is more a matter of whether she is mentally and physically ready for this. On the last album, Blackout, she was tired and people were forcing her to put another album out. If she is ready it will be huge - she just came with Blackout too early. We have a few ideas. It could even be bagpipes - I used them in a track ages ago, a nice sample over an R&B beat. They could pop up on a Britney or Justin album"

    Taio Cruz นักแต่งเพลงบอกว่าตอนนี้เขารวมทั้ง
    Pharrell,Kanye West,Timbaland ทำเพลงให้เจ๊อยู่

    "a nice sample over an R&B beat"

    และออกความเห็นเกี่ยวกับ  Blackout ว่าออกเร็วไป
    เขาเชื่อว่าถ้าเจ๊พร้อมในอัลบัมนี้ จะเป็นอะไรที่ huge !


    จากคุณ : ผู้ชายก็แบ๊วได้ - [ 27 ก.ค. 51 19:01:28 ]


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