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    รูปเจ๊ HOLLOW WEEN พาลูกออกไปเล่น trick or treat จ้า

    Look at these EXCLUSIVE pics Britney sent us of her and the boys from Halloween night.

    Brit, her friends Courtney and Laura Lynn, her assistant Brett and dad Jamie took the boys out trick or treating before heading home to get ready for Drew Barrymore's party.

    Tomorrow I'll be posting more EXCLUSIVE pics of Britney with the boys, and with the gals getting ready to hit Drew's party! You're gonna love these pics!!!

    Jennifer, Team Britney


    แก้ไขเมื่อ 04 พ.ย. 51 15:20:32


    จากคุณ : MemoryDust - [ 4 พ.ย. 51 15:18:50 ]