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    The 10 Finest DIVAS


    The 10 Finest DIVAS
    Posted Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:28pm PDT by Rob O'Connor in List Of The Day

    Somewhere along the way, "Diva" became an egotistical term. Sure, the vocal range needs to go a long way, but it's almost as if the ruthless nature of the performer needs to go hand-in-hand. They say nice guys finish last? Well, with Divas, nice girls might as well not even apply. Then again, I can't say for sure. I've never dined out with these ladies. They might be nice people. I'm willing to wager that Macy Gray is a nice lady. And in the end unless you have to work for these people, you can just sit back and enjoy their melodramatic screeds. That's what makes it all so much fun in the end. Entertainment through pain? Or through catharsis? Some of us reach for the cotton balls, while others reach for a good stiff drink, while others reach heights of excitement the rest of us can hardly imagine. That's what's so great about this country. It's got lots of room for everyone.

    10) Barbra Streisand
    9) Chaka Khan
    8) Macy Gray
    7) Bette Midler
    6) Whitney Houston
    5) Cher
    4) Christina Aguilera
    3) Mariah Carey
    2) Celine Dion
    1) Diana Ross



    จากคุณ : Johan Carey - [ 17 เม.ย. 52 02:58:13 ]


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