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    มาดูเนื้อเพลงที่ EMINEM เขียนถึงมารายห์ก่อนหน้านี้บ้าง ดูซิเปรี้ยวเท่ามารายห์แต่งป่าว

    ไม่ใช่เฉพาะมารายห์ที่มันเขียนถึง ยังมี นิค แคนอน หลุยส์ มิเกล แฟนเก่ามารายห์อีกด้วย

    แปลกันเองเด้อ น่าจะแปลกันได้ มาดูกันว่ามันเพ้อแค่ไหน อยากรู้จริ๊งมันฟังเพลงมารายห์แล้วจะรู้สึกยังไง

    ปล.ม่ายยย  แต่ซาวด์เพลงนี้แอบเก๋อยู่นะ มันก็แรพมันส์ดีอะ แอบชอบนิดนึง

    Bagpipes From Baghdad

    ***** in scottish accent*********
    ohh! it’s muic to my ears!
    oh man!
    how can i describe… the way i feel?!
    fukin great man!…..ok!
    let me see…how could i begin?
    ****** end of scottish accent *****

    locked in mariah’s wine cellar all i had for lunch
    was red wine more red wine and captain crunch
    red wine for breakfast and for bunch
    and to soak up in an between snack crackers to munch
    mariah what ever happened to us? why did we have to break up?
    all i asked for was a glass of punch
    you see i never really asked for much
    i can’t imagine whats
    going through you mind after such
    a nasty BREAK-up
    with that laughing hump

    luis-miguel, nick cannon better back the fuk-up
    i’m not playing i want to back ya punk
    this is hello kitty bed spread seth and funk
    mixed with egyptian with a little rappin pulse
    zappin eric clapton (shaq brings half a crunk???) and yeah bebe!!
    i want another crack at cha
    you can beat me with any spatula that you want
    i mean i really want you bad ya cunt
    nick you had your fun
    i come to kick you in your sack of junk
    man i could use a fresh batch of blood
    so prepare your vernacular
    for dracula acupuncture

    bagpipes from baghdad
    when will it ever cease for pete’s sake he crazy to say the least
    bagpipes from baghdad
    what’s going through my mind half the time when my rhymes are blowing up my…
    bagpipes from baghdad
    somebody turn the vacancy sign on cuz im gone blowing up my …
    bagpipes from baghdad
    i run the streets and act like a mad man holding a glad bag…
    ******** end of chorus **************

    you can be a permanent fixture
    in my lyrical mixture
    im the miracle whip the tricksta
    my sig-niture sound
    when the tuba lips sticks around
    im bound to put it on in an instant wow man
    what an ensemble, what an assortment of pharmaceuticals
    this beautiful pill left dust on my palm my cuticles
    get residue form just touching the bottle
    never knew i could remind me so much of my mama
    i cut you like (darma??)
    pull the butcher knife you ya
    the size of saw board im like the fukin rex on ya
    get it stuck in your cornea, nice knowing you norman
    your so fukin annoying drive the shovel boy
    you'll know what the fuk you doing
    i aint playing no fukin more, nick cannon you prick
    i wish you luck with the fukin whore
    every minute there’s a sucker born
    snuck up on (Melaca ??)
    made the muthafuker suck on a (suckacorn??)
    sucka? suckacorn? suckacorn??
    hit jason in the face with a hockey puck
    and told him its fuking on
    man what the fuk are you doing
    you running over snow blower
    with the lawn mower blowing your…

    bagpipes from baghdad
    when will it ever cease for pete’s sake he crazy to say the least
    bagpipes from baghdad
    what’s going through my mind half the time when my rhymes are blowing up my…
    bagpipes from baghdad
    somebody turn the vacancy sign on cuz im gone blowing up my …
    bagpipes from baghdad
    i run the streets and act like a mad man holding a glad bag…
    ******** end of chorus **************

    in the bed with two brain dead lesbian vegetables
    i bet you they'll become heterosexuals
    nothing will stop me from molesting you
    titty fuking you till your breast nipples flesh tickles my testicles is what they said to the two conjoined twins
    hows it going girlfriends you needs a boyfriend?
    you need some ointment, just set up an appointment
    who’s-gonna-go-see-the-doctor first? we’ll do a coin flip
    i just got my one year sobriety coin chip
    when the bad get going how bad does going get?
    baby you shouldn’t have any trouble rubbing groins with
    each other especially when you joined at the hip
    im going to get the needle and thread from the sowing kit
    in attempt to separate em and stitch em back together at the loins…shit
    your the little boy with the chocolate chips ahoy chip
    cookie looky even took me a polaroid….

    bagpipes from baghdad
    when will it ever cease for pete’s sake he crazy to say the least
    bagpipes from baghdad
    what’s going through my mind half the time when my rhymes are blowing up my…
    bagpipes from baghdad
    somebody turn the vacancy sign on cuz im gone blowing up my …
    bagpipes from baghdad
    i run the streets and act like a mad man holding a glad bag…
    ******** end of chorus **************

    ******using auto-tune**********
    huhummm diddddly laaaaaaaaaa
    huhummm diddddly laaaaaaaaaa
    huhummm diddddly laaaaaaaaaa

    จากคุณ : Johan Carey - [ 19 มิ.ย. 52 23:48:12 ]


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