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    Mariah Carey กับงาน MJ Memorial ใน Twitter (อยากร้องไห้)

    33 นาทีที่แล้ว..... มารายห์ได้พูดถึงไมเคิ้ลไว้น่าฟังเชียวครับ....

    MariahCareyTrying to sing today was basically impossible for me. I could barely keep myself from crying. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to pull it together and really do it right,but I was literally choked up when I saw him there in front of me.

    One thing I know is, we will never really have to say goodbye to MJ. His legacy lives on through his music and the millions of people. He inspired with his timeless music. He will be forever in our hearts

    จากคุณ : pcplant - [ วันเข้าพรรษา 08:09:20 ]


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