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Marika Prochet 21 juin, à 15:21
Dear closest MJ fans,
This is an important message. Some of you are going to hate it. Others will start thinking.

As you may know, few days ago, me and Moon got the luck to be invited on the set of Michael’s shooting.
Michael was wearing white pants. Real tights. And a white shirt. Real tight.

As you all know, Michael has been really skinny since the trial. We all talk together and we always say: he is scary skinny.
some of us told him he should eat.

But what Moon and I saw last week horrifed us. He is not scary skinny. He is a skeleton. I saw his back, and wanted to throw up. I never felt a shock like this. And I already knew he was skinny. But this clothes… it was as if he was naked. I was ashamed.
I got out of the set. And what did I told the fans?

“Oh god he is so skinny!” And then, what did I say?
“Oh it was great! yeahhh! I saw Michael on the set! yeah!!!”
I had the same reaction I had since the trial. He is now more than skinny. He is a skeleton. But I can do nothing so let’s talk about something else! About how happy I was to meet him.
But to be honnest, I, since this day, feel weird. Like a guilty sensation.

I feel that I witnessed reality. For once, he didnt had a coat on, a big shirt, big trousers. For once, I saw the reality of his situation.
I feel like I already knew but didnt want to accept it.
Honestly, I think I was like everyone of you. We are worried for 5 minutes but then, the only thing we can think about is: I want to see Michael, I want to get a hug, I want to say I love you… I think about myself and my happiness.

But I started to wonder: Michael rehearse everyday, he is surronded by 200 people, that work with him everyday. But who are those people?
Dancers that are living their dream, Kenny Ortega who is producing his best show ever, technicians, Michael security, Michael Bush.. and KAren Faye.

No family, no friends, no one.
Karen is the only one to have love for Michael. So I mailed her. I wanted to know if people were blind or doing nothing?

Here is her answer:
Hi Marika,
I know.
I am doing everything humanly possible…your heart and mine are in the same place.
Please keep this private for his sake.
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

When I read that, I realized I was right.
She is doing something. But what can she do?
As we all know, Michael listen to no one. He does whatever he wants.

And if you know a litlle bit about anorexy, you know that if you tell them to eat, it’s completly useless.

So Karen may tell him to eat. He won’t.
People in his situation need a shock to start doing something.

So here is my question to all of you:
We all love Michael really much. We all want to see his shows. We all think about how we will be first row. About how we will get more tickets.

About how we will meet him more than the others fans. About getting a picture with him. About not hurting him.
How will you do all of these things if during the third concert he faints on stage, and if his heart stops during his way to the hospital?

How will you feel when you will talk with others fans and will say: We knew he was too skinny to perform 50 shows. We knew he stopped eating during the trial and reheare 10 hours per day for us.
How will you feel when you will say: people said he was doing fine but they lied. We saw he was a skeleton.
Will you feel guilty? Will you be able to sleep at night thinking you knew it and did nothing?

Some of you are going to say:
“He has doctors with him”
“They wouldnt let him dance if he was not healthy”
“I don’t want to do something, it would hurt him”

Well let me tell you this:
If he had doctors with him, he would have gained weight.
No one saw Lou Ferrigno somewhere around rehearsals or Michael’s house.

On the set, I watched people around Michael. Everyone was avoiding Michael, looking somewhere else. They were all working on their video.

Too many money involved. You dont want to be fired because you told Michael Jackson to eat.

You all know Michael’s employees will never take the risk to lose their job. They dont love Michael this much.
And for those who have been to Carolwood, you all know that Michael is completly alone there.

If you get this email, it means you are part of the MJ’s fans who know that Michael is not Peter Pan, Michael is not 100% perfect, and that at this day, we are the only ones left who love Michael enough to try to make a difference.

We all saw Michael at his worst, and we all see him still alive.
But just think 5 minutes that this skeleton that Michael has become is going to perform 2 hours every night during 3 months.
Will you be able to do it?

Models die at 18 from anorexia because their heart stop. And they just walk on a catwalk.
Michael is 51. He dances 10 hours per day. And is going to dance 2 hours every night during 3 months.
Do you think he will be ok?
Now that you know, are you going to do something or are you going to fight with other fans to get the best meeting with him?
Please, let’s think about the best solution to help him realize. He needs to be shocked by us. We need to make him react.
And unfortunalty, we may have to hurt his feelings somehow.
But if he stays alive, isnt it worth it?



เขียนเมื่อ : 4 ต.ค. 52 19:54:41

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