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ใครเคยอ่านเรื่องนี้ยังคะ เรื่องของ Tatiana Thumbtzen  

เอ่อ...ป่าวนะคะ ไม่ได้มาเรื่อง MJ story นะคะ คือเคยอ่านเรื่องที่ Tatiana Thumbtzen พูดถึง MJ นานมาแล้ว แต่คนที่รู้ภาษาประกิตแบบพอถูไถแบบ mindfields เนี่ย ไม่รู้ตัวเองจะแปลถูกป่าว แค่พอเข้าใจคร่าวๆเท่านั้นเอง เลยอยากรบกวนถามเพื่อนๆว่า ที่คลับนี้เคยแปลมาบ้างรึยัง ถ้าเคยแปลแล้วช่วยบอกลิ้งค์ให้ด้วยนะคะ เกรงใจจัง ขอบคุณค่ะ


In 1987 I signed with a new agency, Joseph, Heldfond and Rix, at the time a fairly powerful group. Julie, my agent, sent me on an audition for a Michael Jackson video, "The Way You Make Me Feel." I wasn't told, though, whose video this was for. But I discovered later that two hundred other hopeful young actresses tested for that part.
When they called me, I was told to walk and show some attitude. The scene took place on a street in a rough area. A bunch of guys start hassling the character I was reading for, taunting her with lines like. "Hey baby, what's up?"
Coincidentally, the very same thing had happened to me as I was on my way to the audition. Some guys had hassled me on the street, so you might say I was prepared. I ran through the scene a few times, and my audition was put on videotape.
A few days later I was summoned to a small dress rehearsal. It was the first time I learned that the video was with Michael Jackson. I was brought into a room by the video's choreographer, Vince Patterson. Michael was there but I was too shy to even look at him at first. Patterson directed me to go through some moves, which I followed perfectly. Finally I glanced up at Michael. He was sitting there in a red shirt, bopping to the music with this big, happy grin on his face. I saw him turn to the person next to him and say something. I later found out from David Banks, one of the video's writers, that Michael had said, "She's the one. The rest are extras."
I will never forget when my agent called to tell me that I had the job. I screamed so loud that all of Hollywood must have heard me. It was such a milestone accomplishment for me. I felt like I had finally made it, and my career would soon be taking off.
The shoot lasted five days, with the fifth day devoted to outtakes and close-ups of me. By the second day the ice was broken between Michael and me. It happened in the middle of a scene where was chasing me, and I was supposed to run through a broken-down, beat-up car in the middle of a street. My dress was so tight that in order to cross to the other side of the car to get out, I had to turn around. During one take, in the process of turning, my high-heeled boot got caught in the upholstery, and I couldn't get it out. Michael put his hand on my calf and then on my upper thigh to help pull me out. I got a little overheated, I guess, and lost it. I fell out of the car, landing on my butt. We both cracked up as he wiped my butt off. Then we looked into each other's eyes for a moment. After that a warm and friendly connection started to develop between the two of us...

จากคุณ : AC.Mindfields
เขียนเมื่อ : 27 ต.ค. 52 01:52:25

ข้อความหรือรูปภาพที่ปรากฏในกระทู้ที่ท่านเห็นอยู่นี้ เกิดจากการตั้งกระทู้และถูกส่งขึ้นกระดานข่าวโดยอัตโนมัติจากบุคคลทั่วไป ซึ่ง PANTIP.COM มิได้มีส่วนร่วมรู้เห็น ตรวจสอบ หรือพิสูจน์ข้อเท็จจริงใดๆ ทั้งสิ้น หากท่านพบเห็นข้อความ หรือรูปภาพในกระทู้ที่ไม่เหมาะสม กรุณาแจ้งทีมงานทราบ เพื่อดำเนินการต่อไป

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