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    Me Against the Music
    Producer(s): Trixster, Penelope Magnet
    Writer(s): various
    Publisher(s): various
    Label/Catalog Number: Jive 53701 (CD promo)
    Source: Billboard Magazine
    Originally Reviewed: October 18, 2003

    In the couple of years since Britney Spears' last musical output, she has never once left the headlines of the consumer press. In fact, if anything, the one-time teen queen is more renowned than ever before. But now it's time for Brit to prove that her provocative state of undress and various sexcapades are only sidelines to her primary purpose here—hit songs. "Me Against the Music" is frantically busy, with Spears' voice often a mere accessory amid a swirl of rapid-fire lyrics, background vocals and a frenetic pogo-stick beat. After repeated listens, however, the party-anthem rhythms sort themselves out and ripen into a series of infectious, albeit quirky, hooks. It's still much more a jam du jour than a song—there's no real melody—but radio will be licking this up like a cherry lollipop. The other shortfall: Madonna. She comes off like a great-aunt poseur, much like the Gap ads. Oops, she did it again.—CT

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    จากคุณ : lourd - [ 12 ต.ค. 46 23:05:24 ]