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    อดีต west life ไบรอ้วน ว่าเจ๊ talentless

    โดยสรุปแล้วนายคนนี้ไม่เข้าใจว่าทำไมใครๆถึงยกย่องเจ๊ เจ๊เราไม่เห็นจะมีพรสววค์ตรงไหน เล่นดนตรี ทำเพลงเป็นหรือเปล่า มีดีก็แค่แก้ผ้าเล่นหนัง ทำเรื่องช็อค ...อะไรประมาณนั้นแหละครับ

    McFadden Attacks 'Talentless' Madonna

    Ex-Westlife backing singer Brian McFadden has launched a perplexing attack on Madonna - claiming the Queen of Pop is talentless.

    The Irish singer, who is having moderate success with his solo career, said he cannot understand how she has so much worldwide success.

    "People are saying Madoona makes great music," said Brian, purveyor of some pretty pedestrian music of his own in recent months.

    "It's really rubbish. She doesn't have a good voice and she is boring.

    "Just because she's Madonna everybody says 'brilliant' and 'genius'."

    And he wants to know why Madge, who has had unprecedented chart success since the early 1980s, shifts so many records.

    "I don't know think she's ever been a good musician," he is quoted in the Sun.

    "I don't know what she's got. Maybe it's because she's been naked in some movies and excited a lot of men."

    จากคุณ : yev rugrats - [ 13 พ.ค. 48 11:07:53 ]


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