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    ใครได้ข่าวอะไร เอามาโพสกันเลย
    Everyone is talking about it. The BBC coverage kept playing re-plays and Jo Whiley and Jonathan Ross were orgasming over it.

    Sky News have used snippets from the performance as their headline bulletin. ''Music'' plays and the anchor then says ''yes... music does make the people come together..."

    ABC better show this performance in full...

    Anyway, what was the confusion a the end of Music with Madonna rambling on over the choir? Why did she keep saying "Richard"? Was this someone in the audience? My guess was it was someone telling her that her time was up and they didn't plan to sing Music for that long (it was three minutes of acapella!!! Any longer and she would have exploded!) but she did it out of spite. This could explain the line "I'm not leaving until EVERYONE has their arms in the air''

    จากคุณ : yev rugrats - [ 3 ก.ค. 48 10:29:24 ]


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