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    MADONNA has revealed she is praying for Kylie Minogue in her battle with breast cancer.

    "I think about her all the time," Madonna told The Sun-Herald. "She's always in my prayers."

    Madonna's mother died of breast cancer when the singer was a child.

    The reigning queen of music, now 47, said she had thought about writing to Minogue.

    "I keep meaning to write her letters, but I don't know how to get in touch," said Madonna. "[But] I do wish her all the best."

    The singer said she strongly believed in Minogue's fighting spirit. "I think that she's a tough cookie and I think she's going to be all right," she said.

    Madonna's comments came during a visit to Japan last week, where she was promoting her new album, Confessions On A Dancefloor, which debuted at No. 1 in more than 25 countries including Australia.

    But her association with Minogue (above) stretches back many years. Minogue has always named Madonna as a role model. The 37-year-old Australian has openly emulated the pattern of Madonna's pop success - reinventing her image on a regular basis and relying on cutting-edge music videos to make a strong impact in the marketplace.

    Madonna famously showed her interest in Minogue's career by wearing a "Kylie" T-shirt on stage.

    At the time, Minogue said she was thrilled. "I thought it was amazing," Minogue told reporters.

    Since being diagnosed with breast cancer in May, Minogue has undergone surgery in a Melbourne hospital and received chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment at the Institute Gustave-Roussy in Paris.

    จากคุณ : yev rugrats - [ 11 ธ.ค. 48 08:09:30 ]


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