[#3] ~ * Akanishi Jin * ~ แห่งวง ~ * KAT-TUN * ~ " Osaka con reports "{แตกประเด็นจาก A5379710}
Osaka con reports
6 nin Bokura no Machi de.
*Jin took part in almost the ENTIRE con, he appeared right form the start, however, most were album songs so he had lesser solo parts.
there were times they sang in six, and in times they sang in fives. (the album songs) however, he sang all the old songs, YOU, Six senses(?) Signal and Bokura no Machi de. He was involved in the whole MC During the message segment the sequence was Yuuto -> Kame -> Nakamaru -> Jin -> Ueda -> Kouki -> Junno
Last MC's message Kouki -> Junno -> Ueda ->Nakamaru -> Jin -> Kame
Jin was smiling alot throughout the day and was very hyper :DDD
Encore was real face and will be alright (:
yes, jin messed up his lyrics again XD but he was still smiling ALOT <3
more `concrete/fuller` reports
On the whole, Jin was involved in almost all the performances, except for Peak, Movin` up and of course, the solo songs. I am still not sure about Splash, but the fans specifically stared that the performed in Bokura no Machi de, Utaitsudukeru toki and Jumpin` up.
At the beginning of the concert, there used to be an animation version of the KAT-TUN`s bulldog on the large screen to explain rules and such to the audience, and also people wearing the bulldog outfit dancing about, as a preshow. They added a `A` version of it :D Till today, there were only 5 bulldogs, this time there were 6 <3
They started the concert with She Said, and there were 6 shadows behind the curtain (? or rather screen or smth) and they gave the whole world a shock there when they realized Jin was there <3 Everyone had sunglasses for this song (:
For Wilds of My Heart, Jin lifted his sunglassed during the `~kimi no koe` part and winked at the audience (similar to the butterfly performance in SC) *melts* and for some reason Jin lost voice for the `RA` word for the line `raito no naka de` XD
Real Face had the jungle gym thingy (i think the one they will be dangling from somewhere or something) and Jin removed the belt on his wrist but not on his waist, so when he tried to move away, he couldn`t and panicked XD He panicked quite alot through out the concert cause he forgot his lines and standing position for a few times XD
I don`t have the setlist yet but so far the non new songs that they also sang were: Freeze Original Blue Messenger GOLD YOU Signal Real Face Will be all right and as mentioned above, She said & Wilds of my heart
For YOU`s performance, Jin did the bended Hayato Peace at the camera during the `kokoro wo hodoite Come to Me` line <3 The costume for this song was a pink shirt XDD
Jin could sing most of the song, even Utaitsudukeru toki and the new songs, but he screwed up his lyrics for Signal LAWL, but he apologized to the audiences <3 Costume for Signal had FUR *spazz*
Regarding the PVs
They recently just shot their PV, Kouki and Junno came for the shoot without sleep (because of their drama shoots, i guess) and this time the PV is shot indoor. And they were all whining about the difficult camera people and their demanding instructions XDD
Kame: I was saying "Aishiteru" normally and they kept asking me to say it more Kakkoyoku (kakkoii-er-ly? XD)
Yucci: I was also saying "aishiteru" suppousedly while being purposefully cool, and they told me the same thing too. I just shouted (or wanted to) shout back "I CAN'T BE ANY COOLER!"
Kouki: They told me to say "Aishiteru" angrily. O_O
Jin: They told me to say it with a long-time-no-see kinda aura and I tried!!! (he demo-ed BEAMING and smiling and all) and the staff told me never mind, just be normal )): (LAWL I think he scared everyone.) XD
Regarding Tokkyu Tanaka 3gou
Kame: I saw episode one where Kouki got to see Kuriyama Chiaki's panties!
Jin: REALLY?!!?!!!!! (as in he meant, there was such a scene)
And he started asking everyone was he back in Japan during the episode and when they said no
Jin: Ehhhhhhhhhhh DDD: (<- very very VERY disappointedly)
JIN orz.
Regarding the real face con DVD
Jin apparantly have not watched it yet and he asked his manager for a copy of it XD (I am so willing to mail you my copy now) But I think his manager didn't give it to him, and started by Jin, everyone begin imitating their manager XDD Jin told Kame "Yours is not alike" LAWL This part was damn cute though
Jin: How was my solo?!?!
Fans: KAKKOIIIIIIIII~~~~~~~~~~~
Members: Just buy it and watch it for yourself -_-
Jin was quite concerned about the outcome of his solo XDD so cute <3 He is so oblivious to how freaking hot and awesome he is. (esp his own solo)
Kouki: Who watched the DVD?!!!
Audience: MEEEEEEEE~~~~!
Kouki: Who heard the album??!!!
Audience: MEEEEEEEE~~~~!
Kouki: Who actually didn't bought them and lied??!!!
Audience: MEEEEEEEE~~~~!
Kouki: GET OUT !!!(`Д´)ノ
Audience: KYAAAAA~~~~!!(/∀///)」
The Kame and Junno Kiss
I think they do this everytime, but for one of the times, they said Junno was kicked and lying on the floor. The one who kicked was JIN :DDD
& Akame-ness
There wasn't as much Akame interaction this time but during Part two, Kame did it. It was during Original Blue's performance when they were walking back from the main stage to the back, and Kame creeped closer to Jin from the back and GROPED Jin's butt It wasn't just touch, but really grope. It is so rare for Kame to do it initiatively
*DIED* oh kame.
And they still held hands during the final greetings <3
Regarding Jrs
Jin: *to a jr in B.A.D* What do your group name stand for??
Jr: *answers*
Junno: Jin, we were once in B.A.D too.
winner orz LAWL
Jin was also very amused/amazed by OSSAN He didn't know there was such a group, so he was really shocked when they introduced themselve
Jin: You mean... when you go on Music station and such they will introduce you all like 'Next up we have OSSAN!'??*makes face*
*OSSAN means old man/uncle XD
Regarding Junno's drama
Kame: Junno also has a drama right? Hanayome to Papa
Junno: So far we filmed till about episode 7, there will be a big turn in story at episode 6 and 7, please look foward to them!
Yucci: Ueda, do you watch it?
Ueda: . . . . . . yah.
Jin and Yucci: Liar!
Junno: I will give you the DVD when it comes out!
Members: Thanks, but no thanks.
Alot more but Tokkyu Tanaka 3gou is starting so I will leave it till here for now, except for one last phrase that Kouki shouted today to Jin
Thank you Kouki for screaming our thoughts
credit : maishampoo + k.blue_bimai@popcornfor2
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11 พ.ค. 50 16:53:54