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    [Spoil] Heroes Season 3 Episode 15{แตกประเด็นจาก A7487884}

    Arghhhh.. I felt really bad for Deph!
    She looked SO sweet with Matt! I hope somehow
    shw could come back to life. =(

    That Luke boy who brought sylar to his daddy..
    I was very surprised to see the boy cuz I missed
    him from Alien in America! His power was not super
    duper cool but it was very new and refreshing!
    I'm so sick of duplicate powers!!

    Gotta admit that I had tears in my eyes when I saw
    Deph ran to Matt and Hiro to Ando. That was such a great
    scene!!! And I laughed myself off when I saw that scene
    which Hiro picked up the tee to wear and it said;
    "REDNECKS make good love" LOL

    A nice episode with an okay cliffhanger! I'm curious
    what they're gonna do to Tracy but I'm more curious
    who was the one texting Claire!!


    จากคุณ : La Estrellita Brillante - [ 11 ก.พ. 52 01:14:59 ]


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