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The reason why Tsuyoshi can return so early...
Kusanagi-san's CM will be Revived Continously, Starting with Toyota and Yamasa Shoyu 14 May, 7.45 PM, J-CAST News
translated by yanie02
SMAP's Kusanagi Tsuyoshi-san who had been arrested for public indecency but is free from any charges, will return to the entertainment world on May 28th, 2009. His CMs will be revived too starting June 2009. At first, it was predicted he'll return in July. How can he return so early now?
"We can't think of any other talent to replace him,"
On May 13th, 2009, Johnny's Jimusho has faxed the media that Kusanagi-san will return on the 28th. They said, it was a decision based on fans' wishes that he'll return soon and also the result of discussions with related companies. Kusanagi-san also said, "I'd like to deeply introspect myself and continue living with enough common sense,". His first work after his return would be FujiTV's SMAPxSMAP filming on May 28th. He will also appear live on Waratte IiTomo the next day.
Apparently, the CMs he's starring will also be revived starting June 2009. Kusanagi-san is the image character for Toyota's Rental Car "Toyota Rentaries". Toyota has said, "Now that it's been decided he will return, we are discussing to revive all the TV commercials, store posters and magazines,".
Yamasa Shoyu also said, "At the earliest, we'd like to air the CM starting June,".
Actually Kusanagi-san has filmed a new CM for (Yamasa Shoyu's) "Konbu Pons" in early April. It was planned to start airing in May. But due to the incident, they couldn't air the CM.
They said, "Kusanagi-san has been starring "Konbu Pons" CMs ever since it started selling 10 years ago. The product has grown together with him. We can't think of any other talent to replace him,". They seem to be very pleased upon hearing that they can air the CM now.
However the situation for the "CHIDEJI" campaign is a bit different. According to the digital broadcasting promotion association(Dpa), "We've heard that the company will start airing the CM again starting June, however there are so many companies related to Chideji and there are difference in degrees of enthusiasm between the companies. We have not decided whether or not we'll revive the CMs,"
From some sources, it was reported that although Kusanagi-san caused an incident, "The CM sponsors decided not to claim any compensation,". However, Toyota, Yamasa Shoyu and Dpa has stated that they are currently discussing whether or not they will claim compensation.
As to why the return can be as early as end of May, it might be the power of Johnny's Jimusho too, but according to a related person who knows Johnny's Jimusho well, "To avoid any kind of loss that can be caused by the separation (of Kusanagi-san) from the sponsors, all of the companies, television and movie related people must have had came crying begging to Johnny's Jimusho to make his return as early as possible,"
If they take him down from the CMs, it's highly possible there will be a boycott?
Indeed, if we check the newspapers,
"TV Asahi (that airs PuSma where Kusanagi-san is the host) said, "We would like him to return as soon as possible," and they're hoping that he can appear in PuSma that will air on June 2nd," (Sports Hochi, 14 May 2009)
TOHO that produced "BALLAD ~Namonaki Koi no Uta" movie that will premiere on September 2009, said, "They are announcing that they will start airing the commercials again. The promotion departement of the company has sighed in relief." (Daily Sports, same day) Seem like they're quite happy to hear about the return.
According to an entertainment related person, Kusanagi-san is planned to have a movie in autumn and also appear in a drama and many regular varieties. If these has to be stopped, or if they cannot promote them anymore, the ones who will get a big loss are the product companies, TV stations and the movie company themselves.
Furthermore, there had been protests from the public that the arrest was too much. In this situation, if Kusanagi-san is taken down from the CMs, they're worried that a boycott will happen.
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21 พ.ค. 52 22:47:51