ความคิดเห็นที่ 182

ถอดคำสัมภาษณ์ในรายการปลาทองมาฝากค่ะ อ๋อมตัดเอาเฉพาะตั้งแต่ เริ่มสัมภาษณ์ถามตอบนะคะ ตัวอย่างรายการตอนต้นไม่ได้เอาค่ะ
พิธีกร : Oh... the long awaited moment of truth -- The casting of <The King and the Clown>!
With more than 10 million viewers... through your role as Gonggil!
What happened after you received the confirmation call..?
Junki : Actually I went through another suffering for this ... it's because ...
พิธีกร : Not another suffering!! Why do you have so much suffering to say ...
I feel terrible ... (The recording for both episodes was done in one shot, over 2 hours)
Anyway... please continue -
Junki : Not only the director, but also my seniors (actors Jeong Jin Yeong, Gam Woo Seong) were all uneasy ...
They didn't really have faith in me..
.. because I was taking on this huge role, and I didn't have any roles worth mentioning before this ..
พิธีกร : right-
Junki : So form the first day we met, the director wanted me to feel the stress.
He said, "I want you to remember, that this movie can fail, because of YOU alone!
All responsibility will fall on you!"
"Especially the role of Gonggil, acted by a man. If you don't grasp the role correctly, It will DEFINITELY be rejected (by the audience)!"
What's more there's homosexual love shown in this movie, which was only shown in certain scenes...
He said if I didn't portray it well, the audience will not accept Gonggil, they will resent Gonggil, and totally reject the character...
But ... actually at that time... I felt that I could do it well...
In any case, I thought I just had to express it well with good mind control...
But 2 months before the shooting, when I started training for the movie, I got scared.
The seniors ... they were really good actors!
"Professional actors can express nothing wrongly!"
I realized this phrase wasn't a joke at all.
Gam Woo Seong's acting really gave me the creeps, seriously...
Waa.. really.. for me ..
Initially, just by being able to act along their side, I found it very awe-inspiring...
After a while, I realized with all this fear of them, I couldn't do anything at all.
So, I said, "I really wanted to do well, but the burden is too heavy.."
I told this to the director..
he replied, "You just have to forget about Lee Jun Ki! Abandon (the personal of) Lee Jun Ki!"
He told me not to think of myself as a man, that I'm not of any sex, or in the middle (half - male, half-female)
พิธีกร : Director, Lee Jun Ik?
Jun Ki : Yeah, those words were really harsh. I had this really masculine personality, fierce-looking eyes...
my voice is loud, my actions are loud too... and I talk to much..
พิธีกรอีกคน : Talk to much... I agree...
Junki : He said, "That's totally unacceptable.. just by looking at the personality, It will definitely not work..."
พิธีกร : Waa.. this innate personality will absolute clash (with the role)...
Now to think of it, all those sufferings he endured till now,
it completes him as a man...
So you were able to suppress all that character to ac out this role?
Junki : of course - Like now, as you can see, all these actions...
how talkative i am.. getting all hyped up...
so.. I had to forget all these. I asked, "So what must i do?"
He said, "Definitely, you have to start studying how to be a woman, first things first ..."
A woman's movements, one by one, her actions, one by one ... and you must scale down your body language..."
so, he tried cautiously... to make me understand...
actually I don't know how to put it...
The director said, "You are not a woman.. Learn how to be a woman's mind in a man's body!"
So.. I studied those people - transgenders ... in their bar..
I went there repeatedly.. with the director..
Learning the way they look, their expressions, way of talking, body movements...
When I was there, I learn mainly about their eyes.
They way they look. It's really special!
It's hard to explain.. but when they look at you,
compared to mind, it's as if a lot of strength is coming out of their gaze..
it's really not easy..
พิธีกร : So you were at the bar as if you lived there ?
Junki : Nearly.. well I couldn't possibly LIVE there ...
And I think the director also ended up pretty drunk when he was there ...
So.. It's not good to go there too often.. whenever necessary-
But I must admit, that was a big help to me..
Whatever I learn there, I try to internalize..
Whenever I entered the set (shooting location),
all the way.. the experience helped me a lot...
In the set, when I finished shooting my part, I will sit down, on a chair.
When a senior speaks to me, unconsciously I will reply,
"Yes, yes senior.." Immediately! the director will hit my knees..
(Imitating director's actions)
And I will.. "Aah.." (in apology)
And when shooting is done (for the day), I couldn't say, "you did a good job."
พิธีกร : You had to forget about being Lee Jun Ki..
Junki : Yeah.. Normally I would have done this "Good job everyone!!"
When I just say, "Good-" (imitating director's actions)
(whispers) "good job everyone..."
พิธีกร : Wow... this director is extraordinary!
Junki : and after that I have to go back to my room, going to sleep quietly...
getting in and out of my room was totally banned.
No one, not even the staff or their superiors, could enter my room.
It was like a girl's room. Entering my room was totally not allowed.
So, throughout the entire filming, nobody, not even one person, entered my room at all.
I was thoroughly immersed in my character. Thoroughly!
พิธีกร : "long gasp" throughout that time, Lee Jun Ki was totally forgotten...
Junki : Yeah.
พิธีกร : Not even one staff could enter your room, you said ?
I bet the rumors started from then, am i wrong?
Junki : You're right
พิธีกร : During the shooting, have you ever entertained the thought of the possibility that this movie will hit the 10 million viewership record ?
Junki : Never once at all. No matter how I looked at it, it was a homosexual romance movie, historical theatrical movie..
The movie was weakened because of the homosexual and historical elements..
Moreover it oven had conflicts between the royal figures...
Movies showing at the same time were "Typhoon", "The Art of Seduction" , "King Kong" ...
พิธีกร : Waaa... it's unbelievable.. King Kong, a brand-name movie...
Typhoon, a high-production-cost movie with top stars... in comparison King and the Clown felt a little, sort of, wretched.. somewhat..??
Junki : really wretched.. y-yeah..
I really hated the movie posters, after seeing them! Extremely!!
The main actors were in there ... Senior Gam Woo Seong, Senior Jeong Jin Yeong.. and the 3rd one.. me...
to see my name there (listed as a main actor) .. I felt really ashamed and sorry to wards my seniors..
Instead, it would have been better if my name wasn't up there..
To see my name troubling the others in the poster..
I felt very embarrassed..
I realized I can actually be so disturbed seeing myself in the poster.
Especially when placed beside all the other big-name movies..
พิธีกร : So you also had these thoughts during that time...
Junki : However, I put that aside (because of new problem)
Before the movie opening, there were rumors spreading around.
My pictures were uploaded on the web with comments like
"Is this considered a pretty boy?" "There is actually a person like this?"
It became a controversial issue.
The movie company then thought, "Oh, isn't this good publicity for Jun Ki?"
So, they make this very ambiguous, suggestive poster, where I was looking at a mirror, with black tears flowing down..
It was distributed widely through the country, and people said
"Is that a man in the mirror? or a woman?"
Initially, they just asked, "Who's that girl in the mirror?"
So.. it stirred up a lot of interest. So before the movie preview,
I ended up giving interviews.
Reporters asked "Who are you?" and were curious ...
So I asked the, "how many people do you think will watch this movie?"
And they replied, "About 3 million?"
พิธีกร : But 3 million is a lot!! it seemed like a lot Yeah yeah ...
Junki : I said, "Thank goodness!" and that was when I realized the power of rumors.
Here and there people were saying that they must watch King and the Clown..
that no matter what they must watch it...
พิธีกร : And there was another rumor that the movie was hard to understand,
that after the 1st time you watch it, you must re-watch it for the 2nd, 3rd time...
There were actually rumors like that!
Junki : You're supposed to watch it at least 8 times..!!
So, when we hit 1 million viewers, we had a celebration party.
1 million .. 2 million.. 3 million .. 4 million .. 5 million .. 6 million ... 7 million .. 8 million.. 9 million .. 10 million ??!!
10 million, no way.. that's crazy! Really.. what the heck is this?!!!
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19 พ.ค. 52 19:08:54