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ได้คุยครั้งแรกตอนจุนมาถ่ายเป๊บซี่ ขาออกจากสุวรรณภูมิ ปอมเดินตามจุนเข้าไปตรงที่เค้าตรวจคนออกเมืองอ่ะค่า ว้าวตอนนั้นอ่ะนาน เชียวแต่มือใหม่ เลยนึกไรไม่ค่อยออก มัวแต่ตะลึง ตื่นเต้น ลายเซ็นเค้าก็ไม่ได้ขอ มือก็ไม่ได้จับ ตรงนั้นอ่ะ ปอมยืนข้างจุนเลย ยืนอยู่ตั้งนาน มัวแต่มองจุนอย่างตะลึง ขาวสูงหล่อมากกกกกกกกกกกก กลับออกมาแล้วค่อยนึกออก ได้คุยครั้งที่สองก็ตอนที่จุนมางานแฟชั่นอังเครคิม ตอนนั้นจุนอยู่บนรถ รถจอดรอรถคันอื่นอยู่แถวสุวรรรภูมิ ก็ตอนที่ได้ลายเซ็นบนตลับแป้งอ่ะค่า ตอนนี้ได้จับมือจุนหลายทีด้วยจับแล้วจับอีกก็ยังไม่พอ
อันนี้เคยแปะใน soompi
QUOTE (2pompadour @ Feb 3 2009, 05:09 PM) Hi there,
Yes, Junki is in Thailand right now for taking CF with Super Junior M in the province near Bangkok.
I saw him yesterday at Suwannabhum airport. He looked so grogeous as always. I don't think he is chubby. He is just PERFECT!!!
He sat in the bus waiting for SuJu M for around 20 minutes. He was so nice and in a good mood. I stood near the bus and waved for him all the time and he always waved back and smiled back. He also took some photos of Thai fans. He was so adorable.
He is very handsome. His skin is flawless. His lips and nose are unbeliveable beautiful!!! I am soooooo happy to see him.
If you want to see some more pictures please click Junki Pantip Thailand Fan Club.
Wendy....I also saw u yeyterday!!!
Hi 2pompadour - thanks for sharing here your story. You're lucky that you get to see him. LJK is really so nice especially to his fans. I couldn't agree with you more - he's so adorable, handsome, with flawless skin, red lips, tip-tilted nose - to put all these into 1-word : he's just a beautiful person! I do envy you that you had this chance to see him. BTW, is Wendy there? OMG - again? Wherever JunKi is, Wendy is always there, huh? I'm so envious with this girl!
QUOTE (2pompadour @ Feb 3 2009, 05:42 PM) Hi willenette and all Junki girl,
Forgot to tell u one nice memorable moment;-) Before he got into his bus I stood very near the bus door but I was so stunning, didn't know what to do....poor me. I stood very near him but I forgot to touch him softly (only one guard there). Finally, I called him...Junki..he turned back to see me and waved and smiled to me!!! At that moment I was so happy. Actually, we hired a van to follow him but there was some problem that prohibited us to chase him.
He may back to BKK in the next day..I will go to see u again Junki!!!
Hope you enjoy my cookies...Junki!!!
Willenette...U r in Binnie thread too...right? If yes we r kind of having the same taste:-)
2pompadour, you know, that's the natural thing that a fan could do........being mesmerized & don't know what to do & say when he's there, when he's near you. Good, that you didn't touch him otherwise, you may be reprimanded by his guards & manager, in case he's there. I hope you could share again your story here the next time you'll see him again soon. Oh, did you give him a cookies? I'm sure he appreciated it.
.................... QUOTE (2pompadour @ Feb 6 2009, 03:50 PM) Hi there!!!
I am so happy. I saw Junki again last night at Suwannabhum Airport. He flew back to Seoul at 11.00 pm. He changed his schedule. Actually, he planed to fly back today morning.
Again..he is so handsome and adorable. He was very nice to his fans as always. I followed him into immigration counter while he was queuing in a line... I talked to him.."JunKi Can I take you photo? He smiled and posted to me to take a picture of him but but but the immigration officer told me that can't take pivture in here...poor me.
I talked to Junki again about my cookies that I gave him. Junki...Do you eat my cookies? and he say yes. :-) I told him that I baked them by myself...Junki smiled to me.
I said...JunKi pls come back here again. we are waiting for u. He smiled and did his hand as a OK sign. while he was checking passport with the officer he had to take off his sunglasses.....wow his eyes are so lively and sharp...I don't how to explain....
When he entered to the gate he waved and smiled to us and also kiss his hand and give it to us...:-)
I am so happy to meet to and have a chance to talk to him.
Just want to share my encounter with Junki. He is so handsome and nice to him fans!!! He quite tall and not chubby. He looks so perfect!!!!
Hi 2pompadour - wow, another story from you......... You're luckier now since you get to talk to him this time. You see, he ate your cookies. I really do envy you! He's so sweet to his fans. He's just too nice to accommodate you for a supposedly picture-taking. I'm just so happy for you that you've seen seen him 2x already & might see him again next month, huh? Thanks for sharing again your encounter with him. I couldn't agree with you - he just looks so perfect! So, his return was made earlier may be because the CF shoot has finished earlier, too, huh? Just have luck next time to have a picture together with him.
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