TV Guide Magazine :: TV's Top 100 Episodes of All Time
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เลยเอาไป seach ในเวบแล้วเอา list มาโพส เผื่อมีใครสนใจครับ ^_^
1. Seinfeld, "The Contest" 2. The Sopranos, "College" 3. The Mary Tyler Moore Show, "Chuckles Bites the Dust" 4. I Love Lucy, "Lucy Does a TV Commercial" 5. Lost, "Pilot" 6. ER, "Love's Labor Lost" 7. The Honeymooners, "Better Living Through TV" 8. Mad Men, "Nixon Vs Kennedy" 9. All in the Family, "Cousin Maude's Visit" 10. 24, "Season 1: 11PM-12AM" 11. The Twilight Zone, "Time Enough at Last" 12. Saturday Night Live, 04/22/1978 13. The Dick Van Dyke Show, "It May Look Like a Walnut" 14. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Once More, With Feeling" 15. The Cosby Show, "Goodbye Mr. Fish" 16. The Fugitive, "The Judgment" 17. South Park, "Trapped in the Closet" 18. The Andy Griffith Show, "Opie the Birdman" 19. The Office, "Diversity Day" 20. M*A*S*H, "Abyssinia, Henry" 21. Friends, "The One With the Embryos" 22. Six Feet Under, "Everyone's Waiting" 23. St. Elsewhere, "Time Heals" 24. The Simpsons, "Krusty Gets Kancelled" 25. Homicide: Life on the Street, "Subway" 26. The Wire, "Final Grades" 27. Curb Your Enthusiasm, "The Special Section" 28. 30 Rock, "Black Tie" 29. Cheers, "Show Down" 30. NYPD Blue, "Hearts and Souls" 31. Frasier, "The Ski Lodge" 32. Arrested Development, "Development Arrested" 33. Roseanne, "A Stash From the Past" 34. Thirtysomething, "A Second Look" 35. The X-Files, "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" 36. Star Trek: The Next Generation, "The Best of Both Worlds I" 37. The Bob Newhart Show, "Over the River and Through the Woods" 38. The Shield, "Possible Kill Screen" 39. The Wonder Years, "Pilot" 40. The West Wing, "Two Cathedrals" 41. Freaks and Geeks, "Carded and Discarded" 42. Everybody Loves Raymond, "Marie's Sculpture" 43. Battlestar Galactica, "Blood on the Scales" 44. My So-Called Life, "Self-Esteem" 45. General Hospital, "Luke & Laura's Wedding" 46. Ellen, "The Puppy Episode" 47. CSI, "Grave Danger" 48. Moonlighting, "Atomic Shakespeare" 49. Dexter, "The British Invasion" 50. The Larry Sanders Show, "Flip" 51. Taxi, "Reverend Jim: A Space Odyssey" 52. Damages, "Because I Know Patty" 53. The Carol Burnett Show, "Went With the Wind" 54. Twin Peaks, "Pilot" 55. Desperate Housewives, "One Wonderful Day" 56. How I Met Your Mother, "Slap Bet" 57. Hill St Blues, "Freedom's Last Stand" 58. The Odd Couple, "Password" 59. Alfred Hitchcock Presents, "Lamb to the Slaughter" 60. The Big Bang Theory, "The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis" 61. L.A. Law, "Good to the Last Drop" 62. Law & Order, "Life Choice" 63. Grey's Anatomy, "Losing My Religion" 64. Murphy Brown, "You Say Potatoe, I Say Potato" 65. WKRP in Cincinnati, "Turkeys Away" 66. House, "Three Stories" 67. Dynasty, "The Threat" 68. Heroes, "Company Man" 69. Dallas, "A House Divided" 70. Sex and the City, "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little" 71. Little House on the Prairie, "I'll Be Waving as You Drive Away" 72. Batman, "Better Luck Next Time" 73. The Outer Limits, "Demon With a Glass Hand" 74. Will & Grace, "Homo for the Holidays" 75. Gilmore Girls, "Raincoats and Recipes" 76. Family Ties, "The Real Thing, pt 2" 77. The Waltons, "The Easter Story" 78. Angel, "I Will Remember You" 79. Charlie's Angels, "Angels in Chains" 80. Star Trek, "The City on the Edge of Forever" 81. Smallville, "Rosetta" 82. Farscape, "Revenging Angel" 83. Good Times, "Black Jesus" 84. Alias, "The Telling" 85. Melrose Place, "The B**** is Back" 86. Scrubs, "My Musical" 87. Happy Days, "Fonzie Loves Pinky" 88. Magnum, P.I., "Did You See the Sunrise?" 89. Beauty and the Beast, "Orphans" 90. Malcolm in the Middle, "Bowling" 91. Beverly Hills, 90210, "Spring Dance" 92. Party of Five, "Intervention" 93. Big Love, "Come, Ye Saints" 94. Ally McBeal, "Cro-Magnon" 95. Supernatural, "No Rest for the Wicked" 96. Rescue Me, "Baptism" 97. Mary Hartman, "Chicken Soup" 98. Breaking Bad, "Peek a Boo" 99. Family Guy, "Blue Harvest" 100. The Brady Bunch, "The Subject Was Noses"
ส่วนตัวจำได้อยู่ประมาณ 1 ใน 10 ครับ (แต่เห็นชื่อตอนของ Mad Men แล้วอยากดูเรื่องนี้ขึ้นมาเลย)
5. Lost, "Pilot" >> ทำให้คิดที่จะติดตาม season แรกของ Lost ไปทุกตอนเพราะ pilot 11. The Twilight Zone, "Time Enough at Last" >> ไม่ใช่ตอนโปรดของผมแหะ แต่ก็ดีครับ 10. 24, "Season 1: 11PM-12AM" >> จำไม่ได้ว่าตอนไหน รู้แต่ดีทั้ง season ครับ 35. The X-Files, "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" >> อาจารย์ที่สอน class วิชา Reading English through Fiction ยังเอา script ของตอนนี้มาให้อ่านแล้วนั่งถกกันเลยครับ สนุกมากๆ 47. CSI, "Grave Danger" >> สนุกจริงๆครับ ยืนยัน นั่งยัน นอนยัน 56. How I Met Your Mother, "Slap Bet" >> แฟนๆ HIMYM คงรู้กันดี ผมเคยตั้งกระทู้เกี่ยวกับตอนนี้ไปแล้วรอบนึง
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14 มิ.ย. 52 15:32:32