ความคิดเห็นที่ 38

*35 เอามาฝากค่ะ แถมคำแปลจาก Junki Thai Family ด้วยค่ะ น่ารักดี KBS Myeondong event Guerilla date Translated from Chinese to English by ajumma (I left one or two words untranslated..not sure of the meaning and I do not want to interpret inaccurately Jun Ki's words...mianhe)
PD : Now let's go..1, 2, 3 ! JK : Let's go ! PD : It's really difficult to move around here, amazing ! (Too many fans turned up, even the director had difficulty shooting and also safety of fans, event cancelled )
PD : As we had to interview Jun Ki again, today is going smoothly. I can talk to Lee Jun Ki now ! He is here (No preparations, he was informed through phone call and he rushed over) PD : How are you ? JK : Hello PD : Now there are so many people around, Jun Ki ssi, walk slowly and talk more. JK : Alright PD : Last night's event, were you apologetic towards your fans ? JK : Yes, I was very sorry about it. Haven't seen them for quite awhile, I regretted it. PD : Look over there, so many lovers around here. How do you feel ? JK : Envious PD: When was the last time you kissed your girlfriend ? JK : (shy) Too many ! (Ajumma thinks he was kidding..too many girlfriends ? LOL..) PD : What do you think of Jun Ki ? (asking his fans) Fans : Very handsome ! PD : In what way ? Fans : Too handsome..otoke ? !!! PD : Yesterday on internet, saw our faces (cancelled event was featured all over on internet) JK : Must be hard on you, it was all broadcasted. PD : Really, Jun Ki's very well-known JK : Thank you PD : Now it's time for free-hugs, 1 minute of hugs..let's start now..(fans got hugged by JK) PD : What is this, do you know this ? (at snacks stall) JK : Don't know PD : Me too, let's buy (skewers of fish meat) JK : Cheers ! (Took a bite ) JK : Ah...soup. As I have to lose weight I have been eating chicken breast meat only. This is delicious PD : Preparing for next project ? JK : Many action scenes, have to work hard to slim down PD : How much weight to lose ? JK : About 10 kgs. PD : How is it? You've seen Lee Jun Ki...(talking to ajumma who sells the snacks) Ajumma : He is very handsome PD : Anything to say to him ? Ajumma : Can I have a hug ? (Too bad, she just got a handshake !) PD : Say hello to your fans (and JK bowed to them) Now, we go to another place, to drink. JK : Alright PD : So you like to drink ? (Inside the restaurant) JK : Yes, very much...please drink PD : I cannot hold alcohol very well JK : Really want to drink PD : 300,000KRW to come to Seoul (talking about JK's early days in Seoul) JK : I worked part-time in Busan, brought 300,000won and came to Seoul..looking for opportunities PD : Talk about your sad failed auditions JK : Many times. I was told "You cannot make it" " You have no acting talent". At that time, I suffered plenty of setbacks and upset, but I also learnt from the experience. PD : What about your sudden fame ? JK : Initially it was fine, I was very happy. Too much of it comes with heavy responsibilities. I need to gradually adapt. Because of my pursuit towards my dreams and future, it is difficult process. PD : You have succeeded, have you called your parents ? JK : Told them already. Response was cold, father just said " I know", that was it. Weeks later, he called me and cried, also drank, said he is proud of me. I was very touched, compared to being accepted into university and my achievements, his words made me very happy. PD : What was the recent conversation over the phone ? JK : (imitating his mother's Busan accent) "Phone call coming in..quick, hang up, no more coins". That was the conversation. PD : Through your cfs, your fame intensified JK : Hm..yes. Because of that song, was vexed by it for the very first time. Wherever I go, people asked "Pomegranate uncle..how much money did you make ? Of course fame also came from King & Clown. PD : What song do you like ? JK : Eru's "Black Glasses" PD : Sing a bit of the song...I like it too ! JK : (sang) "I'm sorry, I am also crying" (JK got the lyrics wrong..should be "I love you" not " I'm sorry") PD : Like sentimental songs JK : Working hard, will always be an actor who brings good work and happiness. Happy New Year ! PD : Thank you very much..hard work (ajumma has to point out this "hard work" phrase is polite and appreciative for one's effort) This is the honest and innocent young man - Lee Jun Ki. At anytime will produce unexpected movies..please support actor Lee Jun Ki !
credit baidu.com for Chinese translations and ajumma's(Wendy) rusty translations into English !
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28 มิ.ย. 52 11:40:30