ความคิดเห็นที่ 34 |
Well, firstly 'the boys' have started dropping hints of having changed their minds on that point. Secondly, Kripke has done the same as has a lot of other key members of the team.
Personally, I don't care if it ends in season five or six. IF they slow the pace back down (this season went too fast and left too many things unexplianed or not making sense)to what it was in season one or two or the pre-strike levels of three AND can get it all done then fine. If they can't then yeah they need another season.
My point is, and always has been, that Kripke has tampered and altered the origianl outline from the start and you can't just add things like Cass and angels (which were not part of the original plan, nor was Dean actually dying and going to Hell) and NOT have the whole story take longer to tell, at least not without rushing.
This last season felt rushed and the pace was bad and there wer TONS of plotholes. If that's the pace the next season is going to have I would rather they slow down and do it right and not worry so much about number the season is. That shouldn't even been something they give any thought to whatsoever.
โดย libra113 จาก http://www.tv.com/supernatural/show/30144/should-season-5-be-the-last-for-supernatural/topic/13786-1282447/msgs.html?tag=fresh_forums;topic_title;0
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