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71. What your parents say about marriage?: As long it is the person I like. They will also like. It is really touching 72. Do you think you are flirting type?: Of course not. I am a person. Did I mention, control is important 73. What is your earliest out of bed?: 7am (it is because of school) Weekends, it is 12pm 74. Latest to bed: Between 12 midnight to 5am 75. If the first time you meet a person and he ask you how to contact you? If it is job related. Okay if it for others matter. No. (This is because I am a profession. Ha! Ha!) If I like him very much, I will not give it either, but will other methods to have him contact me 76. Is that anyone you particular like in your profession: There are too many for me to give any thought 77. Do you think you will start a relationship with actors: It is hard to say, maybe there are two
..Korean actors 78. Future children that you like to have: Three and above 79. What do you really want to do if you have the chance?: Singing, Dancing, do a lingerie ad (Ha! Ha!) 80. Ten years from now, what will you do?: I will sing until death, Fashion house, taking care of kids in the family 81. Do you have any beauty tips?: I dont have any 82. Most often speech used
(on the phone): Can
Who are you? (But use the cutest tone to relay them) 83. What is the first thing you do when you get up: Do my cats meal. Open these eyes 84. If you were to have 100 billion: I will put them in the bank account, then buy a house 85. If you were to become transparent (spirit wise): 1. Help people out of boredom or be a flirting ghost 2. Like a spirit goes lurching to help on other (But people think I am an angel) 86. Great stage singer: BMK, Song Chang Hui, Park Mi Kyung 87. Why do you want to sing? If you are to die you dont wish to sing those songs, what are your thoughts?: If people like to sing but cant pull through, then everybody can qualify to be a singer 88. What type of man you most despise?: Every actions he does, that brat think that all girls will like his type 89. What type of woman you most despise?: Those who play importance to outer appearance but not what is inside of them 90. You have your love, but eventually you meet with a better person: I have touch on the subject many a time already
this is just fated destiny. If I continue to love a person, there is no reason to change my heart for it 91. If you were to meet the person that you had separated coincidentally: I may go and hide myself 92. What is the most important thing in the world?: Family, my diary (memories) 93. Once on the internet, what do you do?: Check my e-mails 94. The most absurd call you received: When I playing card, they start to call out Hwangbo I love you (Ha! Ha!) 95. When you cant sleep?: Listen to the radio, & cook 96. If there is an after life, what are you going to be?: To say this, it is funny? I want to be a Princess, because the palace is bored, so run away (Ha! Ha!) 97. If you want to live your life again: If again, I want to be a man. I have the confidence to make a woman live in happiness 98. After you have written this, what will you do next: I need to go to Mi Rim Unni. She stayed down the block 99. Until now how direct and honest are your answers?: I dont need to lie
100. The last thing you will like to add: I am grateful to have done this
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Pikky (p_flower)
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10 ก.ย. 52 19:11:46