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[Hwangbos FUN FUN LIFE] The Kitchen is My Playground, I am Cook Rapaghetti
Whenever it was a night where my mother would be home late due to work, it was my responsibility to prepare the dinner table ever since I was in elementary school. Whenever my mother had to go out for something she handed the job of preparing the dinner table to me.
I would take out the left over side dishes and prepare a hot bowl of rice using the rice cooker. It wasnt a very hard job.
However, a dinner table without a main menu seemed so miserable and cold, so I started to fry some eggs. When the plain fried eggs became tiresome I began making tamagoyaki, steamed eggs, egg fried rice, and after Ive used up all the possible egg recipes, I made KimChiBokKumBap (KimChi fried rice), YangPaBokKumBap (Onion fried rice), I began expanding my abilities as a cook. It was always so much fun slicing up the onions, smooshing the garlic, and preparing the rice. It was like I was playing house.
When I was young I would only share a sentence with my father as our daily conversation, he was always a scary and tired person. So when my father would come home after finishing up with his work and finish the food that Ive prepared and respond with a that was very good. I felt like Ive just won the lottery, it made me feel extremely happy. On top of that my mother would praise me saying Our daughter is so kind. Youre already a grown up! The very reason I love cooking so much is probably due to these memories of mine.
However, the kitchen was always my mothers kingdom. The only time I could cook was when my mother wasnt at home. Ive always cherished this time and used this time to create my own recipes using the various little scraps of food in the kitchen. Cooking isnt hard, all you need to do is prepare something you want to eat. There were lots of times when I would create a big mess after these cooking sessions and get in trouble with my mother.
And by many times of trial and error, Ive mastered the art of fusion cooking. My first mission was noodles. I used the instant ramen noodles to imitate spaghetti. First, I would boil the ramen noodles. Then I cooked the ramen soup in a separate pot and after it started boiling I added about 3 tablespoons of ketchup. After thoroughly boiling the soup, I would combine the noodles with the soup and voila! It might sound disgusting, but actually it tastes pretty good. I would call my friends over and make this, they usually dont know that its just instant noodles.
These are the various recipes Ive enjoyed when I was young
Hot Bbang (hot bread)
microwave a plain slice of bread to make the texture smoother. Put vanilla ice cream on it. fold the slice of bread over in half
and enjoy!
[t/n: 2 more recipes coming soon.]
author: HwangboHyeJung translated by: iseuli source: http://patzzi.joins.com/article_html/39100.html?aid=39100
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20 ก.ย. 52 22:55:46