ความคิดเห็นที่ 42 |
อ่านเจอจาก blog ของ Jeff สาเหตุที่ไม่อยู่ร่วมการแข่ง RC
HOST-LESS CHALLENGE INSIGHT We have talked about doing something like this for a long time. A challenge in which nobody is there. Nobody tells them anything. We just watch to see what they do. This was a major experiment. How would it work without having me there to moderate and oversee everything? And for the record, I wasnt hiding in the bushes, just in case. When we commit, we commit. I was back in my tent reading an old copy of Rolling Stone. Poor Michael Jackson.
And as you saw, the host-less challenge worked so well CBS is probably figuring out how they can do a Host less Tribal Council as well! Hope not. I have not yet paid off my mortgage.
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10 ต.ค. 52 16:27:19