ความคิดเห็นที่ 251 |
The reason why do we love 2pm?....because 1).2pm has Nichkhun who is value as the best product of Thailand.. 2) 2pm has Taecyon who can make a music sound from his teeth. 3) 2pm has Wooyoung who is an alien being. 4) 2pm has Chansung who is not only a singer but also specialize in mango. 5) 2pm has Jaeboem who could dance as a cover dance of all girl-group. 6) 2pm has Wooyoung who is the best of dirty dance. 7) 2pm has Jaeboem-leader who has the sexiest 6 pack. 8) 2pm has Chansung who could eat 1 biggest bowl of rice in each meal. 9) 2pm has Junsu who makes us believe that I believe I can fly from the idol show with KARA 10)2pm has Jaeboem who is only leader that dare to wear a stocking on his head. 11)2pm has Taecyon who always makes his face as swellfish (swelling cheek) while they are practicing. 12)2pm has Wooyoung who is a presenter of campaign SAVE TO EAT CHICKEN WITHOUT BIRD FLU 13)2pm has Nichkhun who is cutest wink machine in the world. 14)2pm has Junho who is a fashion leader of risk to take photo in the pool when they were in Thailand. 15)2pm has Wooyoung who never been kissed by girls but by Nichkhun (OMG! His first kiss) 16)2pm has Nichkhun ..PRINCE OF WINK who is beloved by all the girls in the world. 17)2pm has Nichkhun who has a unique laugh.(easy to remember). 18)2pm has Taecyon who ROAR as the king of the forest (shall we change his name from OK CAT to be OKLION) 19)2pm has Junho who is the most charming when he smiles. 20)2pm has Wooyoung who has the spiciest of shanty-dance. 21)2pm has Nichkhun who can do everything in SKshow and peoples call him as MR.CAN DO 22)2pm has Chansung who has a sexiest abracadabra dance even better than original. 23)2pm has Junsu ..DAEGU JOKER who has the best voice. 24)2pm ..Someone said that this group will own the world (they own half world already hehehe) 25)2pm has 7 members
..JAEBOEM..JUNSU..NICHKHUN..TAECYON..WOOYOUNG..JUNHO and CHANSUNG. 26)2pm has Jaeboem&Junsu who sing the best of 2ams song>>THIS SONG<< that makes us love 2am as well(love you allONEDAY) 27)2pm has Wooyoung who has a red slim lip
makes everyone wanna kiss
..;) 28)2pm change us from ordinary people to be HOTTEST & HOTTEST will be our title forever.. 29)2pm made us to meet & love each other (hottest) as we love you 2pm 30)2pm made noona alive cuz whenever we see you..our heart is beating
31)2pm has a leader who could do everything to get high rating.. 32)2pm has Taecyon who could throw sun glasses away on the stage without being afraid of stylist to be upset. 33)2pm has Junsu who let us think think,think and analyze his code as if we are FBI(someone could join FBI team by now). 34)2pm has Junho who fell in love with.. DAENG MO PAN
(taeng mo pan) 35)2pm made hottest wanting so bad to take CIA, FBI course.. 36)2pm made hottest to have a very good blood pressure (actually its nose-bleed). 37)2pm has Taecyon who has too many wrinkles but that doesnt bother him at all,. Hes still very handsome thou. 38)2pm who makes us smile all the time whenever we look at the clock
.its 2pm.. 39)2pm who made us forgot about the time
when people ask what time is it now? always answer as ITS 2pm. 40)2pm who let all over the world knew about our DAENG MO PAN. 41)2pm who made us know that how nice&kind the members of madam@pantip are. 42)2pm who made hottest want to grow a lot more of BANANA 43)2pm is only group that has a WEEPY MUMMY (mummy that made from tissue who is easy to cry) 44)2pm who made the members of madam@pantip are beautiful as panda. 45)2pm has Junho who could withhold his ass so easily without any shame. (But someone think its cute hehe) 46)2pm who let us be as a play girl who cant have only one guy (all 7 that we need) 47)2pm who made me cry in front of computer for the first time at my age (30). 48)2pm who makes many peoples turn to listen Korean song.. 49)2pm who made lots of people forgot them age (that r not young anymore) then turn to be fan club of young boy band. 50)2pm who made mee-noi stood in the line for 3 hours just to get a chance to get inside mtv show. 51)2pm who made us (hottest) to become 1 and we can do everything for Jay & 6 boys. 52)2pm has Nichkhun who makes foreigners want to learn and speak Thai more&more(khob khun ka) 53)2pm has Nichkhun who let many peoples come and take a break in THAILAND. 54)2pm who makes the mango business to be big in Thailand.. 55)2pm who made me laugh too much that let lots of wrinkles show up. 56)2pm..Only this group that senior is always out of the way and junior is :-) who always takes him back. 57)2pm who made us know that how hard to wink and that cause of wrinkle. 58)2pm who could make a rhythm by them fart (omg!how could they do this?) 59)2pm has Nichkhun who could grab the tissue as the cutest guy in the world. 60)2pm has Taecyon who slipped from the step almost every time that he came to Thailand (have you ever got hurt at your ass Taec?) 61)2pm has Nichkhun who is very tricky, his plans is to charge 500 won per one wink to anyone who ask him to do (nongkhun will get lots of money from JYP then hehe) 62)2pm makes us has a hit word that we always say when we r on phone askoekkkkk 63)2pm who has 7 members that all have different characters, each one got them own style so that could melt noonas heart and love you deeply. 64)2pm that always has a space for Jay to be back and fulfils it. 65)2pm has Nichkhun who is in my heart, every parts of my heart belong to him..No letter or word that could express my feeling for him (ohh !too sweet I might be diabetes<too many sugar in my blood>) 66)2pm has a special dancing style in I hate you song calls stamped cockroach down style(about 9 Richter scale). 67)2pm who made hottestes could increase our I,Q,by trying to decode from Junsus davinci code. 68)2pm who could fulfil my emptiness by just smile and that smile could rock the world. 69)2pm has Taecyon who has his own wrinkle. 70)2pm has Nichkhun who is we put on the shelf DO NOT TOUCH (hes so adorable) but the rest got attack by weird pictures and xxxx.(ha ha ha). 71)2pm has Nichkhun who is the most handsome beggar in the world (from wb ep3). 72)2pm has Wooyoung(dong) that we could match him with others to be yy couple.(hehe just kidding) 73)2pm who could makes a girl (?)Around 40 to be alive (to be smart?) as if a 14 years girl even though the body is almost ruin... 74)2pm has Jay that he is beloved by all ages from the youngest to the oldest (if you dont believe so come to prove in my house.. ho ho ho) 75)2pm has Taecyon that whenever he smiles makes girls at our age (30+) so much happy cuz our face is still firm if compare to him (ho ho ho I have less wrinkle than you e-Taec). 76)2pm who makes us stop taking care of our beauty, damage our collagen on our face and harm ourselves by follow up 2 pm news and watch all 2pm clips every day&night. 77)2pm who is an international group, so many nationallity to join this group such as Korean, Thai, half-American, daegu,. .Italian (??) even alien, too.. 78)2pm who has variety career in the group such as the great stylist, fashion terrorist, shop a holic, athletic (6 pack), eatanator, Ang-Ang boy and wink machine. 79)2pm who makes noona want the most to apply to be housekeeper 80)2pm let us know that happiness is very easy to get by teasing other people as our habit especially 7 young boys..hehehe 81)2pm is the beast-prince that still got cursed. so sometime be as a prince then turn to be beast(thats melt beauty hottests heart several times a day *_*
post naka before i go to bed...if anything incorrect pls correct dai loey naka....have a good day ka
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jomjam (jomjam>npk)
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15 ต.ค. 52 06:49:08