ความคิดเห็นที่ 80 |
thanks to Belovlee@crunchyroll ++++++++++++++ Hello everyone, it's Jun Ki.
It's cold weather, how is everyone? Now would be a good time to stay in good health. Not only because of the flu but to also prevent the influenza outbreak. That's something to take precaution for. Now maintaining your own health also show care for others. So everyone please take care of your health. ^^
So filming has already began and foreign fans have visited the sites, but I am very worried about everyone. So I think I should say something ^^ There's been some deceitful travel agents who profit off of fans using unsuitable trades. I hope you understand that to participate in another country's culture is not easy to do. To those who respect Korean culture I will express my gratitude. And those cheating morons target innocent fans who love the Korean culture. Seeing these people make me extremely angry. The packages are preposterously high priced , yet can't be provided with the right services? Planning without prior consultation, or scheduling, just to exploit naive fans. This isn't ethical, cause it will eventually damage the image of Korea. (So please be alert!!)
We've advised foreign families to be cautious and aware, even without the verified information or announcements for events. Please take pre-caution to not get bluffed, there will be official posts. We will not do things just 50%. I hope our family's won't get hurt.
I will prepare different ways to meet you in the future, so I hope you won't be to worried and get bluffed. In addition, I will take more pre-caution to never let such an incident happen again. If given the chance, I will surely deal with these embezzlers. (I will definitely kill them)
Other than that the filming is going smoothly, thanks to everyone who supported me on the sites. I shall work a lot more attentively... Fighting!
I convey my sincerest appreciation to the staff. And like I said earlier, these days it is important to keep in the best of health. Prevention! Prevention! Let's us avoid it all ~
As always I thank everyone. I love you all.
Korean to Chinese Translation by: Lee Jun Ki Bar Chinese into English Translation by: Kunji2007ko@junkiglobal
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30 ต.ค. 52 18:09:58