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ถือว่าเป็นการมาแชร์ข้อมูลกัน credit:le_maiii@soompi.com
Hello guys smile.gif I'm new to Soompi so obviously I'm new to this thread...
I wanna share a few things I know about Jay right now
*You guys may not believe me, but that's TOTALLY your choice.... however, you SHOULD believe me.
anyways, I live in Portland, OR which is about a 3 hour drive from Edmonds, where Jay is currently staying. I happen to know his aunt which lives in Portland also, and she says they're very close. He's talked to her several times about him leaving 2PM and twice now, he has come down to see her. (Shows what a good little boy he is ! HA!)
Anyhowww... according what his aunt has told me, Jay says he WILL come back. He misses 2PM and his fans a lot, but right now he just wants to take some time to heal and get over the mistakes he made. He said he can't face his fans at this point because of all the shame and guilt he has. He told her that he does plan to return and will do so in a year OR sooner, he hopes. Sooo please don't worry guys, he's coming back. Just give him some time smile.gif
ALSO ! OMGEEEE ! This is where I spazz out. haha. As we all know Jay's really into break dancing right? Well he's in the AOM crew and the other day, November 7th, there was a break dance battle held in Portland and there'd be a judge in the battle that was from his crew and I was planning to go to the battle. My friend and I were joking around that maybe Jaebeom would show since not only was his friend judging, other people from his crew were competing ! And again, we were joking that he'd come.
AND GUESS WHAT?! HE WAS THERE!!!!! There was a guy who bumped into me as he was heading into battle and he never apologized so I looked up to see who it was. It was some short asian guy wearing a bandanna over his face. Everyone was laughing and yelling "HE HAS SWINE FLUUUU!"
I was a little angry since he never said sorry for bumping into me but when I looked at the part of his face that wasn't covered with a bandanna, it looked exactly like him. Then I looked at his EARS, and he was wearing the SAME DIAMOND earings our boy wears ! (Being the stalker that I am, I could tell those were "THE" earings from his Nylon photoshoot.) But then again, we weren't sure it was him... UNTIL. He started dancing and the bandanna fell off his face. haha ! IT WAS HIM ! We started yelling and screaming and well... fan girling. I felt bad though because he was trying to hide who he was and I had started hyperventilating in his presence... so he knew I knew him. I went up to him and asked if he was Jay from 2PM and he said... NO. and walked away. But later while I was staring at him, he looked at me.. and well, he smiled and shook his head, saying he was him.
My friends from Seattle met him a few days later and well, they got to talk to him a lot about 2PM... and he didn't really say much. This is what they told me he said: "I just want some time off. I want all my fans to just leave me alone for a little while, and just know that I'm happy and I'm healthy. I know they're worried about me... but I just want a low profile for now."
Those are probably NOT his exact words, but that's what they said...
There's another break dance thing on saturday, and I'm going ! Rumor has it, he'll be there again. I'll see what I can find out... haha.
So that's my LONGGG story about Jay, and again, if you guys don't believe me, then you don't. I do have pictures of him I took that night and videos of him dancing though... would you like me to post?
แก้ไขเมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 52 11:45:10
แก้ไขเมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 52 11:39:28
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19 พ.ย. 52 11:22:32