ความคิดเห็นที่ 99 |
เอาคำแปลของ part1 มาฝาก ยาวนิดนึงนะคะ
Maybee: I did a lot of practice, "Do it, Do it Chu~♡ (laughs) It's the same, isn't it? F(x): (laughs) Yes Maybee: Please introduce yourselves Victoria: We're F(x)! F(x): Hello! Victoria: I'm F(x) leader, Victoria. Sulli: Hello, We're F(x) Sulli... Amber: Amber... Luna: Luna... Krystal: Krystal. Maybee: Yay! but doesn't present idols have in front of their names a modified version, right? (e.g. Jessica, from girls' generation, says " Hi! I'm Ice Princess Jessica" or Yuri, "I'm Black Pearl Yuri") but you guys say it simple? Luna: Just our pronounciation of our names is luxurious(?), Amber..Krystal (Luna tries to say it in an English accent). Maybee: Victoria ~ (in an English accent). The whole word is really luxurious so it is nice. F(x): Thank you Maybee: Amber, Krystal and Sulli got swine flu and experienced a lot of hardship, are you guys alright? Amber, Kystral, Sulli: Yea~ We're alright. Maybee: There are some who didn't get the swine flu, how did you not get swine flu? Luna: It's unbelievable. (laughs) Maybee: A lot of people are thinking how did they not get swine flu. Luna: Wash properly, eat properly, sleep properly and play properly. Maybee: It's nice to see all of you healthy. The staff people of this recording studio really likes F(x), did you guys know about that? F(x): We didn't know~ Maybee: Our PD and our manager really likes F(x). F(x): Thank you~ Maybee: Before coming here, I watched F(x) in Music Bank and you know Sulli was wearing a blue/green colour clothing and so I was like I want to wear a blue/green colour clothing. Now, this is your first single album. I heard that this was your first radio appearance for your single and after being away due to swine flu you couldn't do much recordings..Please introduce your first single album. Krystal: Our first single album, Chu~♡ is..(hesitates) and it's the title of our album..ahh soo nervous..(laughs) Chu~♡ is a Europop dance type of song that is famous in Europe with a strong drum sound and we really like it. Maybee: What were you like when you first heard the song? Luna: I was like, "Oh, there's such a song like this!" because the type of songs I like is flowing songs (?) and when I kept on listening to it, it started to grow on me. (~that's the same thing that happened to me^^) Maybee: Let's listen to Step by Me. How was this song? Sulli: I remember being happy while singing this song and laughing Amber: I was jumping to the beat Maybee: Oh, really? cause you really liked it. Amber: Yes. Luna: When we're outside...we'd be singing this song. Maybee: Let's listen to the next song called: You are my destiny. Oh, this only has Luna and Krystal singing. Is there a reason for having two people for this song? Luna: We got a chance from Shin-he unnie who gave us this song script so we sang this song.
---F(x) sang Chu~♡ live---
Maybee to Fans: Did you listen well? Fans: Yea~ Maybee: What do you like about F(x)? Fans: Everything! mumbling.. Maybee: You guys are a new group and you have a lot of fans. When I came in here there was a lot of fans here already. They must have waited for a long time. You've got a lot of jumping in the dances, but isn't it really hard? Luna: At first it was really hard, but we really like the song and the dance so we're having fun practicing. Krystal: Before debuting we practiced a lot so I think from that practice we were fine. Maybee (read from a fan): A fan wants Vic to speak more.. Luna: At first the korean pronounciation was hard but now we're really surprised she's really good and she helps us a lot and tells us what to do so her korean is getting really good. Victoria: In truth, I'm feeling ok now but during interviews I get nervous so I don't speak. Maybee: Now, (talking to the audience) for all those questions we've recieved for F(x) we will pick five and those people will get a signed CD by F(x). Is there anyone who wants to do DJing? F(x): I think we all want to do DJing. Maybee: When do you want to do it, what time? Luna: At night time. I like listening to radios at night time. Maybee: Because Luna is bright at 12am..(laughs) why don't you introduce yourself like "Hi! my name is Luna!"? Luna: Hello! I am bright Luna. Maybee: We'll start with Amber and Victoria's corner. --music-- Now, this is Chinese teacher Victoria and English teacher Amber. In Chinese how would you say, "Did you have food?" Victoria: says in Chinese, shipalma (sorry if it's wrong) Maybee: And Amber how would you say it in English? Amber: Did you eat? ---Amber and Victoria do a bit of acting in Korean--- Maybee: What does tired mean in English? Amber: I'm tired. Maybee: And Victoria? Victoria: Leymar Maybee: Teacher Amber and Victoria, how do you say I'm really tired? Amber: Yea~ I'm tired. Victoria: Leymar. Maybee: What about I am also tired? Amber: I'm tired too, let's take a break. Victoria: Shu~ shi shaba.. Maybee: Now to finish up Amber and Victoria will do a bit of acting. Can you make it sound really sad? Amber: Are you tired? Victoria: Yea~ Amber: Let's take a break. ----Maybee and Sulli do a bit of acting --- (it's funny listening to their voice acting)
Maybee: Now, Luna has a live performance that she has prepared. Amber and Victoria, would you be a good teacher? Amber: Yes I think so. Maybee: You know how you speak there's a tone..like "(in English) Hi, everybody, listen!" (laughs) or like "Surprise!" Victoria: in Chinese (Hello! This is Chinese time) Maybee: Sulli, you've done a bit of acting before Sulli: Hello! This is Korean time! Maybee: Sulli, you're still going to continue acting, right? Sulli: Yes! Maybee: I'll be waiting for that.
----Luna singing live----
Maybee: Luna, what do you think while singing? Luna: I try to understand the song and get the people who listen to feel the song. (Luna sings -->) "In this path" it means I want to meet you and I miss you and when I was young I liked this oppa. So this is how I think. Maybee: Now it's Luna and Krystal's corner. ---Luna and Krystal acting--- Maybee: (in old, tradition korean accent) Who's this person on the phone? Fan(?): (says her fake name). Maybee: Why did you call? Fan(?): It's christmas soon and I wasn't sure what gift I should get. Luna: Get sweet potato. Krystal: Don't wake up. (laughs). Go to church. Fan(?): I wanted to give a gift to Luna on Christmas. Do you have time? Luna: Come here. Maybee: Luna, are you going to play with her? Luna: Let's go eat sweet potato. Fan(?): I would love to come. Don't you know me? Maybee: It's IU. What were you doing right now? IU: I was going to a radio. Maybee: Are you guys close? Luna: Yes.. ---phone turns off suddenly...but comes back again--- Luna and IU talk. (it seems like they're really close). Maybee: Amber, do you have something to say to IU? Amber: Can I borrow the marshmallow costume? IU: I'll see how it goes. Maybee: What about you Sulli? Sulli: (Sulli sings IU's song marshamallow) Unnie! "Because you're sweet I like you a lot~" Maybee: Victoria? Victoria: If Luna is gone, send a (phone) message to me! Krystal: (couldn't hear properly) IU says bye.
----Sings Gee live----
Maybee: What's your ideal guy? Krystal: ah..Gu Mi sonbanim is the type of guy I like. Maybee: What about Luna? Luna: I like Park Ki sonbanim but I like guys who work hard in what they do, and so I think it's attractive. Maybee: What about you Amber? Amber: (laughs) I don't have a specific guy but maybe a guy who fills in what I lack in. Maybee: So, when Amber falls over a guy quickly picks you up type of guy? Sulli? Sulli: When I meet with the guy, I would like to feel that we are very similar, having similar interests and food. Maybee: Victoria? Victoria: When I watched Moon (something) I've liked Seoung Son sonbanim. Maybee (from a question from a fan): Who doesn't wash the most amongst F(x)? Luna: Victoria is (someone who has everything organized) so there isn't a member who doesn't wash. Maybee: Victoria, so if a member didn't wash you'd wash for her? Sulli: If we don't wash Victoria washes us. (laughs) Maybee: Is there a member who acts differently in a recording studio then in real life? Like sometimes there's people who are more bright and bouncy in recording studios. Or like Victoria who can speak well. Victoria: When I was young I didn't speak much but now that I've become a team leader I've become more bright and more talkative. Sulli: I don't think any of us is either quiet or timid. Maybee: What's the most scariest thing? Sulli: I am scared of pigeons (look at 2:17 part 6 and Amber's laugh is soo big) Maybee: Ofcourse it can be scary as pigeons can carry a lot of diseases. Amber: When Sulli and me were walking suddenly Sulli screams and I said "Why?" and Sulli says, "pigeon!" Maybee: What about Amber? Are you scared of anything? It doesn't look like you could be scared of anything. Krystal: It's more like something she doesn't like. Amber: It's not something I don't like I just can't eat rice that well. Maybee: Is it cause nowadays the rice isn't that good? Amber: No, it's just inside it doesn't feel good. Maybee: Krystal, are you scared of anything? Krystal: I don't think there's anything I am scared of....ah!..weird food like duck feet. Maybee: duck feet is yummy! (laughs) Maybee: It was fun to be with the F(x) members. Now, does anyone want to finish up? Victoria: We will work hard to become a top asian pop group dance. And please support us for Chu~♡ F(x): Do it~ Do it~ Chu~♡
haha Amber dances a little bit of Mister by Kara at the end...
Translated: ek10 Credit: aidanelle Reuploaded by fx3ffect
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6 ธ.ค. 52 16:08:05