ความคิดเห็นที่ 95 |
^ ^ ไม่หรอกน้องจุ๋ม ตอนนี้ไม่คิดแบบนั้นแล้ว แรกๆ มีหน่อย แต่ตอนนี้ไม่แล้ว....เพราะเขาก็รักน้องๆ เหมือนกว่าเรา.... แต่อาจเจ็บกว่าเราที่ต้องทำแบบนี้ และเขาก็สัญญาแล้วว่า จะซื้อมา Jay กลับมา แต่ที่เป็นห่วงคือ จะโดนแบบบ้านเรา คือแฟน ๆ Load มาฟังมากกว่าอุดหนุน (แต่ดูประเทศเกาน้อยกว่าไทยป่ะ ของไทยแบบเราก็ทำอิอิ)
น้องขวัญเอางานมาให้ทำ 5555 เคยเห็นหรือยังอ่ะ อยู่ใน blog เดียวกับอันที่เคย post มาแล้ว แต่เห็นแฟนๆ บอกน่าจะเป็นอีกคนเขียนไม่ใช่คนเดิม
091129 JYP staff member's account of Jaebum, last part
If there was one thing that I am a little disappointed about, its the fact that Jaebum didnt try very hard to accept the Korean culture
I believe that this was something that JYPE neglected to deal with too.. Arent Koreans like that. First of all, being generous to people who lived with the American culture.
Jaebum should have been strictly taught the correct ways of acting in Korea, but it did not play out like this very well. Not only was it the companys frame of mind that since he was from the States, to be understanding and forgive his ways, but Jaebums thoughts were, Why do I need to be the one to match the Korean culture? He strongly believed in doing things his way.
Along with that, since Jaebums mom doesnt speak Korean, to him, only his ethnicity was Korean, and its true that he didnt view himself as a Korean person that much.
Right now, unlike before, he is proactive about understanding things, but even now, there are a lot of Korean customs that he finds strange. kekeke While watching Jaebums actions, there are still times when I tell him that he cannot do such things in Korea, and he replies, Oh really? and I ask him, Now do you know?
Ah. I also heard that fans are very worried that Jaebum likes things such as hamburgers. I personally dont like such things either, but Jaebum is so used to such foods that it cant be helped; if you kept giving him only Korean food, hed rather starve because thats just his nature. Also, many people tell him to gain weight
Jaebum looks like he has a lot of muscles, but in reality, hes thin. Hes not bulky. In comparison to the other members, he is short and his build naturally is a bit small. If Jaebum was to gain weight, his muscles would all disappear. kekeke He made those muscles because he wants the manly image, so please just watch over them.
แก้ไขเมื่อ 30 พ.ย. 52 19:58:18
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30 พ.ย. 52 19:53:29