ความคิดเห็นที่ 193 |
Celeb chat #2 melu_31 asked on 2009-12-09 00:56:08 Hey Wondergirls! ♥ What do you do on the backstage of your concerts?
Wonder Girls answered: uhm...... english lessons..! we always try to improve ourselves... one day we did it in the bathroom... hahah
melanyb01 asked on 2009-12-09 00:56:38 hi Yubin is it harder to rap in english than korean??
Wonder Girls answered: i think rapping in korean is harder... why? i dont really know...
Mercurial_Path asked on 2009-12-09 00:57:04 What were your favorite subjects in school?
Wonder Girls answered: mimi " earth & science,
yubin: gym
squishycherryxx asked on 2009-12-09 00:57:27 Is it difficult to keep touch with your friends in korea?
Wonder Girls answered: yenny: not really, i'm using skype for that :)
GMCcadet123 asked on 2009-12-09 00:58:16 i cannot wait to see y'all on so you think you can dance! you are all great dancers, how much do you girls practice?
Wonder Girls answered: sun: well, i think we practiced nobody more than thousand times! haha
shmeenerz asked on 2009-12-09 00:58:28 Are any of you left handed?
Wonder Girls answered: nonobbooddy
*************************************************************** Celeb chat #1 pinkhana39 asked on 2009-12-09 00:59:25 What do you guys like doing in your spare time ?
Wonder Girls answered: yubin: watching movies, !!! especially horror ones!! sohee: i like it too, but except horror ones..!!
issi.angel asked on 2009-12-09 01:00:00 How long have you guys been singing together
Wonder Girls answered: sohee : it's been a little over than two years!
LAfantastic asked on 2009-12-09 01:01:01 do you girls like winter fashion or summer fashion?
Wonder Girls answered: mimi: winter! yubin: fall! sohee: fall.....!!
yenny: summer !!?
Andry-Haynee-x asked on 2009-12-09 01:01:42 you girls are often away from home, does anyone get home sick?
Wonder Girls answered: mimi: i used to get home sick when i got here first time.... but now, stil...??
Audrienaa asked on 2009-12-09 01:03:52 Hello! I am a big fan of yours!!! I just wanted to ask how have your lives changed since you have become so famous as Wonder Girls?
Wonder Girls answered: this is gonna be the last answer from us today.. T.T...
well, it must be changed a little, but we try to stay grounded... and be grateful for everything... thank u guys for all the love u've give to us.. XOXO
Callie.Stardoll said: That ends our live chat with Wonder Girls! Thank you so much to each of them, and make sure to check them out on Stardoll, go to their website wondergirlsworld.com, and watch them on So You Think You Can Dance!!
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9 ธ.ค. 52 12:00:28