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Classification of Elective Mutism(Selective mutism) Torey L. Hayden
ไม่พูดบางสถานการณ์ (Selective Mutism) คือการที่ไม่ยอมพูดในสถานการณ์บางอย่าง ทั้งๆที่สามารถพูดได้ปกติในสถานการณ์อื่น แต่ถึงแม้ว่าจะไม่พูด ก็มักจะมีการสื่อสารโดยวิธีอื่น เช่น ภาษาท่าทาง วาดรูป พยักหน้า ส่ายหัว เป็นต้น ลักษณะอาการที่พบส่วนใหญ่คือ ไม่ยอมพูดเลยที่โรงเรียน หรือไม่ยอมพูดเมื่ออยู่นอกบ้าน โดยเฉพาะกับผู้ใหญ่ คนที่ไม่คุ้นเคย แต่พออยู่ที่บ้านสามารถพูดกับพี่น้อง และพ่อแม่ได้ปกติ
พบ ว่าเด็กมักมีลักษณะขี้อาย กลัวทำเรื่องน่าอายต่อหน้าคนอื่น มีพฤติกรรมเก็บกด (Behavioral Inhibition) อาจมีความบกพร่องในการสื่อสารอื่นๆร่วมด้วย เช่น พูดติดอ่าง พูดไม่ชัด ปัญหาการเข้าใจภาษา
In this study of 68 children displaying elective mutism, four types of mutism are distinguished: (a) symbiotic mutism, characterized by a symbiotic relationship with a caretaker and a submissive but manipulative relationship with others; (b) speech phobic mutism, characterized by fear of hearing one’s own voice and use of ritualistic behaviors; (c) reactive mutism, characterized by withdrawal and depression which apparently resulted from trauma and (d) passive-aggressive mutism, characterized by hostile use of silence as a weapon.
Reactive Mutism เป็น type นึงของ Elective mutism ค่ะ(*_________*) =========================================== Reactive mutism was characterized by the fact that the mutism was precipitated by a single or a series of traumatic events. For example, one girl had been raped at age 4 by the mother’s boyfriend and from that point never spoke to men. In another case, during a family argument the child was slapped across the face and told to “shut up and never open your mouth again,” which she promptly did. Mouth or throat injuries in the formative speaking years (1½ to 3 years) accounted for 4 cases, and 4 cases had no easily discernible preceding event. However, the child’s behavior, response to intervention, and family dynamics indicated this classification. The event or events which induced the mutism was a trauma noted only by the child.
In addition to the mutism, all of the children displayed symptoms of moderate to severe depression, including suicide attempts and drug dependency. This category of children appeared to be the only genuinely withdrawn group among the four. The children in the other classifications were engaging in a passive behavior which inhibited social intercourse, but by its very use was generally effective in evoking particular reactions and interaction with others. Indeed, as unlikely as first glance would have it, this appears to be the overriding reason for these types of mutism. Failure to speak on the part of the reactive appeared to be a manifestation of authentic withdrawal. Much of the time the reactive child seemed rather dazed, perhaps an additional manifestation of his withdrawal. This child lacked facial expression, wearing a “mask” face which seldom varied with environmental stimuli. Similarly, most of the reactive mutes also lacked appropriate affect. Perhaps because of his general withdrawal, the reactive child’s social behavior was generally quite poor, and he lacked most social graces such as greeting behavior and social play. The dynamics of reactive mutism seemed to be the most obvious of the four at first inspection.
Despite the simple cause-effect appearance of this group, the depression and the withdrawal concurrent with the mutism indicate that a more complex series of interactions must have been operating. From the number of children seen up to this time, no clear patterns have been established to indicate the deeper dynamics of this behavior.
Reference: Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 19:118—133,1980
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