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12-22] [Eng][MovieWeek] Jung Ji Hoon, go forward action hero,expecting for sequ Please credit all parties below when reposting. Korean to Chin by CloudChina Chin to Eng by Cuckoo@NY
[Nov issue][Movie Week] Jung Ji Hoon, go forward action heroกญexpecting for sequel?
-There was a piece of interview from Chad, stunt team member of กฎ87 Elevenกฏ. He has mentioned about movie related things and concluded that because of กฎRainกฏ, it made the movie remarkably. Also, he saw your training behind the scene. Do you feel you have been watched during your training? They trust me. I believe if I did my best in กฎSpeed Racerกฏ, another opportunity will come. Although I felt extremely tired mentally and physically, I still worked hard in order to maintain my status. Also, message from related people, finally กฎNinja Assassinกฏ was filmed.
-In fact, how did Rain be invited on this movie? Wachowski Brothers had already mentioned me about the story when they prepared it. When I asked them who would play the leading role, they said กฎYouกฏ. They were very serious though, thus, I kept asking myself if กฎI want to do or not to do?กฏ
-Actually, when you were filming กฎSpeed Racerกฏ, you had intentionally gone to do training. Are you planning to be an action star? Firstly, in respect of training itself, it is very interesting. Secondly, although I am still young, I have already debuted 10 years since 1998. During these years, I believed that opportunities will come whenever it comes. Therefore, even I am doing this interview, I do my best. This is because I donกฏt know when the opportunity will come again. Same thing in กฎSpeed Racerกฏ, I believed if I did the best, chances would come. So far everything has happening after Ninja Assassin, I feel satisfied with time. Thus, no matter what I am doing, I do it with passion, then fortunate will come with it.
-Did you start training right after cast has been confirmed? It looks like I keep training in this year after กฎSpeed Racerกฏ. Since November 2008, I continue on diet and training. Diet is making me tired.
-How was your martial art? I have learnt Taekwondo and Seikido. Also, I took 3-4 months training class mainly for movie กฎFighter in the windกฏ, in which was planned to film but it wasnกฏt at last. All of these helped me a lot.
-I have learnt that stunt team tried to compare you with other Hollywood actors stimulating you, right? Chad and Dave from กฏ87 Elevenกฏ are very experience. They have worked for movies such as กฎMatrixกฏ, กฏ300กฏ and กฎBomกฏ. They are the best stunt team in USA. They gathered the best Asian professional for กฎNinja Assassinกฏ including champion of Thai kickboxing, Jackie Chanกฏs stunt team etc . They learnt martial art from them. Chad and Dave kept doing researches and wanted to produce a unique action film only for me. Scenes are such as flip-flopping in the fire, lower bottom movement and various new flip flopping movements etc
-Per the comment of production crew, many people will call you กฎthe new Bruce Leeกฏ or กฎthe new Jackie Chanกฏ. How do you feel from this comment? Actually, I really enjoy it. กฎThe new Bruce Leeกฏ makes people feel I am close to Bruce Leeกฏs standard. It sounds so great. Therefore, I am very happy. In USA, Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan are very popular; it seems like a stereo typed if I was named after them, กฎthe new upcoming action heroกฏ. If I become an action hero, I can make either romantic or others in my next movie without problems. So, when the day I may decide whatever I want to do in Hollywood, my career path will have unlimited growth.
-Are you familiar with basic computer graphic stunts effect in action movie? I am fan of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Before shooting กฎSpeed Racerกฏ, I basically watched all Jackie Chanกฏs movies. I really love marital art movies. However, I didnกฏt like traditional Kung Fu movie with those flying scenes. I love real fighting action movie. In กฎNinja Assassinกฏ didnกฏt have any กฎunrealกฏ (computer graphic stunts scenes). We used swords, metal throwing stars, chains, bare hands etc.
-In the movie, the most special Ninja weapon is the chain. What is the most difficult during filming? There were totally 3 set of standard movements during filming. It had about 6-7 video cameras around, each camera had 5 roll of films. On the first take, it used special len for whole picture. That special len is very experience. All the time, there were more than 70 people working on one scene together. When the chain had been used for fighting scene, the chain was broken. Due to the 3D CG animation, stimulated laser was plug-in at the ending part; it produced beautifully 3D image of chain. On the final take, with the effect of 3D CG animation, doing the same movement slowly, the chain looked like real in the scene. It was exhausted making this kind of shooting. Therefore, if sequel really happens, I need to work harder.
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22 ธ.ค. 52 10:53:24