ความคิดเห็นที่ 98 |
เอาข่าวมาฝากค่ะ Key East จะไม่ทำ Drop of Gods แล้ว ฮือๆๆ แล้วเมื่อไหร่คุณชายจะมีเรื่องใหม่กันล่ะเนี่ย...
Bae's series scrapped over regulations
Hallyu star Bae Yong-joon's latest television serial has been scrapped indefinitely due to the production's failure to gain authorization to use the name of a brand of wine, his management company Key East said yesterday.
For the drama to have been successfully developed the production team needed a particular brand of wine to be used on the show to stay faithful to the original source material.
But Bae and camp hit a snag with local advertising regulations which limit the amount of product placement on television shows in Korea.
According to Key East, the television adaptation rights for the property was returned to the Japanese publishing house that released the original comics.
Bae, who holds a major stake in Key East, purchased the rights to the popular Japanese comic book in 2008, which was to be developed as a follow-up to his hugely popular television series "Legend."
Bae is currently involved in the pre-production phase of the ambitious new television series he is producing with K-Pop mogul Park Jin-young titled "Dream High."
The 39-year-old actor has also recently published a travelogue of Korea that he penned himself.
Credits : kws@heraldm.com
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5 ม.ค. 53 15:35:57