ความคิดเห็นที่ 63 |
Fan Account Part 2 -- ต่อจากข้างบนของน้องปุ้มปาร์ค
So after we followed the van, we thought Junsu was going back to the hotel but he drove straight by it and went to a Australian -style cafe. There was only the 3 of us so the codi unnie came up to ask and told us some conditions but we already knew. We told here we aren't going to take any pictures or videos but we are just going to watch him from afar (we were like 10-15m away from him). The chinese Cass I was with had a sign/towel she brought with her that read something like "Junsu~ I want you!". As soon as the codi unnie left, we watched Junsu and he was looking at us. The Chinese cassies I was with quickly held up the towel and me....at a loss of what to do just made a huge heart with my arms. They had 2 cameramen with him still and one of them filmed us! We were so excited and posed like crazy. Junsu then waved at us and laughed. And we waved like crazy too. After that, he ordered his food and drinks and ate. We were just giggling and spazzing like crazy because he waved and laughed and it's JUNSU! After that, we decided that he could possibly do autographs since it was the only the three of us. When we tried the first time, one another group of fangirls came. And as time went by, more girls came. It was kind of getting...not very good because there was a swarm of girls on the street. The codi unnie came down to us again and told us you can't be too close, etc etc so we had to move even further back. She basically told us that the manager did not trust us in behaving well. Can't blame him though. Nothing much happened, we just watched him and waited. One of his male staff came down to us at one point asking us if we could turn away since he didn't want us to see him eating(?). Well we did. By this time I think one group of girls went home. After he finished, he got into the van and we said bye~ to him. We don't know where he went...we don't think he went back to the hotel. Maybe for more filming? Well we all walked back to the hotel (some people went somewhere else, no idea where) and we decided our best bet to have a glimpse of the other two is to wait at the hotel.
So we waited at the hotel...we got shuffled out a couple of times because I was waiting for the chinese Cassies to get their technical difficulties out of the way (they booked a room and told us to wait for them~) and because we did not book a room or buy anything we weren't allowed to stay in the hotel. However once we were kicked out, the chinese Cassies called my friends and I back in and she said that she heard they were going to come down for lunch. That was around 3pm Aus time and I thought it made sense since it would be technically 1pm in japanese/Kor time. We all sat down at the cafe in the hotel and we were so tired by then, chasing Junsu took a lot of energy and none of us had eaten anything for the day so we decided to order some food and drinks at wait. We ate slowly so we wouldn't be kicked out and besides we didn't want to wolf down the food. Fast forwarding time, suddenly two hooded guys came out of the elevator, surrounded by security. We bolted out of the hotel and saw them climb into the van. We were so mesmerised by Jaejoong that we forgot what the hell we were doing. After they drove off, we figured that we should take a taxi and charged to one. We didn't see who the other hooded guy was. The traffic was starting to get pretty bad in the city around that time and we kind of lost them afterwards. My friends and I got out of the taxi. Wallowed in depression of losing them and then decided to ehad back to the hotel. Thinking that the other hoodie guy was Yoochun we were really sad that we missed them and thought they wouldn't be back for at least 2 hrs or more. We sat in the cafe again, ordered other drinks and then suddenly we heard screaming! We ran to the front of the hotel to see what was going on and apparently Jaejoong came back and that the hoodie guy wasn't Yoochun. We decided to move to the front of the cafe so we could just bolt out like before and climb into a taxi and chase them. Anyway, the chinese Cassies finally came back from the previous taxi chase (they went too) and said that they heard they are going for dinner/walking around soon so we should be on stand by. I thanked her and we finished our drinks and went outside. We saw their van and driver getting ready and so we decided to stand by a taxi. Anyway, the driver kept fooling around with us...getting into the van...driving it a few meters...stopping...getting out....repeating the whole process. ==" We were on the edge at ALL times and it was so nerve wracking. Some of the staff at the hotel knew who we were waiting for and they laughed at us. No idea why, but they thought we were funny I guess? FINALLY after a really long time (and wanting to pee D: ) they came out. And by they I mean JaeChun and Ricky. Before I even saw them get into the van, I ran into the taxi. I think there were at least 3 taxies who chased them but one taxi lost them. The chinese Cassies' taxi and our taxi were chasing them with great luck. Our taxi driver was so good we were in front of the van at one point. It was so hilarious because we didn't know where to go unless they were in front of us. We had to give way to DBSK. When they went by us, I think Ricky was looking out the window. We waved madly and he had the "meh~" face. XD I saw the back of Yoochun through the windows. Anyway, both our taxies made it to their destination, The Opera House! We scrambled out of the taxi and we all gasped when we saw Jaejoong. Let me take this paragraph to describe how perfect he was. He was in a good mood and was all smiles. I think he found it amusing that we followed them. He was SO perfect. He was cute, stunning, brilliant, hot and just....PERFECT. He glowed too!!! He looks EXACTLY the same in real life but it's just seeing him in real life was so surreal. It was so pretty. We were all like "PRETTY PEOPLE ARE HERE!", well we didn't scream or anything. We were spazzing to each other. It was so...surreal. Really. Jae is SO perfect! We didn't even know how it is possible. And then Micky got out of the van. Dayum, he was looking fine. He was wearing sunglasses and he was really thin. T_T;; But he looked really good. He had his own charms and he glowed. Ricky came out wearing the most ridiculous pants. Not even going to go there. XD He looked amused. Anyway, we DEFINITELY kept our distance and the chinese cassies and my group did not take any pics/videos of them at all. We truly respected them. I think some girls tried to though (the 3rd taxi caught up?) and were told off. However we did take pics of each other to remember the day~ and I mean the view was really great. We trailed them and Jaejoong was like a little boy! He was so happy and dandy. It was sooooooo perfect. JAKDGHAKJDHGAKJ I cannot stress HOW perfect he is. He is a God. REALLY. Yoochun was on the phone~ talking~ and Ricky...was ridiculous. His pants were terrible. Hahaha.
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7 ม.ค. 53 14:18:59