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[FANACCT + PHOTOS] When ChangMin left Australia Wednesday, January 13, 2010 | by Yunholicious_babe
I've never done a fanaccount before, hope this is alright.
I got to the airport at 5:58. We (myself+the people that i came with) walked around for about 5mins and then just stood outside the Check in area.
About 5 mins after my friend came i think a bus pulled up. I didn't notice 'cause i was talking to friends, but then the fans i arrived with called me and then i looked outside and saw soo many people!
I ran outside and Changmin was already out, trying retrieve his luggage. Then i saw a puff of smoke coming out of his mouth. O__O" We were all like
"OMFG IS HE SMOKING?!" T__T HE WAS. -sigh- I didn't see any cigarettes but we saw the smoke come out from his nose/mouth. Hopefully it was just :-) off thing. ><" There were so many other people coming out of the bus.
(Apparently the crew booked 14 rooms in their hotel, with 4 people in each room. That's 56 people for crew staff.) Lee Yeon Hee was probably one of the first to retrieve all her luggage. She was standing there sorta amazed at the amount of people here to see them/Changmin off. She's really pretty btw, her skin is amazingly white & she's very skinny. Changmin got his luggage out and walked towards the entrance that many of us fans have stood at waiting for him.
The manager saw everyone filming and kept saying "NO, NO". 'Cept the amount of people taking vids/pics outweighed him, so people continued. LOL.
Everyone was following, well behaved and we all kept our distance.
All of a sudden he stopped and everyone stopped with him - he put out his cigarette and chucked it into the plant area. He continued to walk to the check in, by then everyone was staring.
He started by standing to the side of the counter. Fan's were already crowding. After about 5mins they had to backtrack to get into the line in the 'Prestige area'. Everyone was standing around the check-in area filming.
Changmin looked great.
Although he was shorter then what i thought & much skinnier than in pictures he still looked amazing. He was dressed in a black long sleeved top rolled up to his elbows, a pair of dark jeans & brown shoes.
He also had sunnies on, which were a pain 'cause we couldn't see his eyes. T__T We all sort of stood there admiring his greatness. He was happy and was smiling. He seemed to be joking with one of the staff members. It was great to see him smile. ^^
He finished checking in with his manager and headed for customs. To get there you had to go on an escalator and then fill in some forms once you're down there. Everyone like ran to the escalators. I think that was the closest i got to him.
I didn't get that close .. closest probably around 3-4metres. =D Close enough considering how far Korea is.
He went very slow on the escalator and everyone was like OOOOOOH then he filled in the forms for a while.
Changmin was done pretty quickly and he was waiting to compare his form with his manager's. The manager finished and they headed to customs - we couldn't film anything once they left that table as we couldn't see anything ><" & So we headed for the viewing terrace. The viewing terrace was also right above some shops downstairs. From where we were standing we could all see branded sunglasses.
One by one, the co-stars all came. At about 6:45am Lee Yeon Hee came and tried on a couple of pairs. At about 7:15, the guy that was with Yoo Hana also went into the same shop.Hahaha he was major posing and everything. We were all laughing. I don't think he realised that poeple could see him. LOL How embarrassing.
We also saw Yoo Hana walking around with 2 other guys at about 6:40am. Some thought one of them was an IRIS star. But yeah, we were pretty sure that they were both actors also. They were all dressed pretty casually & it didn't seem as if they were worried about anyone recognising them then doing something stupid.
It was getting to about 7:30am and we were still waiting. Then we saw Changmin again. He was walking from one side of the airport to the other. We had no idea where he was going until he went outside (I'm guessing its a smoking area as people were smoking). Changmin joined them and the fans all died. He was with the other 2 guys that were previously with Yoo Hana, they talked for a while & smoked.
I personally didn't see him smoking but there was smoke around him. I didn't get the quick enough to see him inhale from the cigarette but yeah, everyone around me saw it. Yoo Hana joined them afterwards and we realised she was also smoking. (Why does everyone smoke?! T__T)
I just looked through my fancams & theres like one moment when he puts something to his mouth. But yeah, i didn't see the smoke. =/ At that point some film crew began boarding, they had cameras.
Changmin then walked back to the other side of the airport & dissapeared from our view. That was before someone noticed he was sitting down near 'Noodle Box' behind a Palm Tree (LOL I KNOW RIGHT xD) - Ninja Changmin !! He didn't have sunnies on & i think was drinking coffee.
He sat there for ages. LOL Even when the sign said, 'Final Call', he sat there drinking and didn't move. We were all like o__O". Even the boarding staff were just staring at him waiting. Some other film crew boarded & then Yoo Hana + the other 2 males joined them and entered the tube of nevertobeseenagain! -shifty- .. ehehe .. they entered the plane T__T
At about 8:10am he finally stoood up! He put his sunnies on and then walked to the check in area. Fans were like scream-crying because he was leaving. T__T It was a pretty funny sight because once he walked into that tube/boarding thing, some fans stopped filming, whereas other were crouching lower and lower just to capture him walking all the way. By the end of it 5 or more fans were lying on the ground, on their stomach, trying to capture changmin's last moments. LOL
We left soon after he went into the tube. I didn't stay to see the plane take off because my driver had been waiting for a while already. So i said my goodbyes and we head off.
I got into the car, & spazzed. Today was well worth the 3 other visits to the aiport, the $50+ spent on travel & the hours of sleep i've lost. IT WAS GREAT.
Hopefully Changmin isn't a frequent smoker .. even if he smoked twice in like 2 hrs today T__T But its okay, i still love him very much. =D I guess its not so bad now 'cause they don't have many vocal performances. one down , four to go ~
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14 ม.ค. 53 11:18:46