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CR:นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล
My Beautiful Life : Nov 12, 2007 8:44 AM
Looking at my life for as long as I could ever remember I get chills running up and down my spine. It's the chills of excitement, joy, and happiness. I've had everything that I ever needed, in fact I've had more than what I needed.. way more. I think back to those times in life where I just a little Khun running aound being a little brat, or monkey as many people would describe me. I feel like I have lived that stage of life to the fullest. Given the many opportunities to learn many different things, there were only some I could take along with me due to the immaturity of a young boy. But that didn't stop me from learning later on that those chances I wasted away trying to have fun would come back and kick my in butt and say "Shoulda listened, If u Woulda listened, You Coulda been better ."
Many times I think to myself, " what if I could just go back in time and re-do things ?" wouldn't that be nice? When I think about those times I've made someone sad, I've hurt someone, being ignorant and stubborn, and of course all those times I wasted, I want to kick my ownself in the butt. I keep thinking " If I could only think 2 years older than my age ." Well that's what my dad always told me when I was younger. He told me to be 2 years older than what I really am, and be responsible and matured.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if given the chance I would really love to go back in time and change things only to make myself a better and wiser person. I want to laugh out loud everytime I think about what I would change because if I knew what I know now...... how fun would that be?
But then I hold back the excitements, sit back, and think about it again. There's no ending to this past-changing thought. The more I know is the more I DON'T know. So 2 months from now I'd be sitting at the same place thinking if I could go back to 2 months before now I would blah blah blah. I realize that, if i can't change the past I might as well just make the best out of today and never regret not doing things today. Tomorrow will always come, if not for me for everyone else. I accept the fact that I wasn't the most perfect person in the past and even now, and ever. I will never be the most perfect person, but at least I can realize things. Things that would help shape my present and future. Instead of going back in time trying to arrange my life I'd rather move forward and be the best I can " today ". Tomorrow is what I should think about before I go to sleep, but the past is to be reminded always so that the mistakes I've made the past will not be repeated.
For all of these thoughts that I'm able to improvise, I thank my parents greatly. If not for them I don't know who could have ever given me better lessons in life than them. They've given me tools to dig for treasure by teaching me how to think 2 years ahead. For that I thank the 2 most important and influential people in my life
Thank you
For you.. My Life is beautiful! love you PARENTS!! <3
from: khun's hi5
จากคุณ : พรานล่ากระต่าย เขียนเมื่อ : 10 ม.ค. 53 20:11:54
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12 ม.ค. 53 22:36:03