ความคิดเห็นที่ 67 |
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While hes checking in he kinda just talks to all the crew and he doesnt even look at the fans or anything. His voice is really really sexy and yeah. The other 4 actors were also there and I got pretty close to Park Soo Hyun (He was in IRIS). I took some photos of Changmin but most of them were of his back and if I did get his face, they were kinda blurry because I was shaking so bad. Changmin also talked to Joo Sang Wook and Yoo Hana when they were in line but he didnt really talk to Yeon hee or anything.
After they checked in they started walking towards the gate and while fans were running on one side of him I ran on the other side since no one was there and I managed to get within 1 metre of him and OMG I was like spazzing inside xD. Changmin walks really really fast so we had to run to keep up. Just as he was about to go through the gate I yelled out Midhuyo and Changmin looked back for like 2 seconds. Everything kinda went in slow-mo for me and I was smiling like an idiot but Im pretty sure he saw me and my Midhuyo sign. xD
As he was going down the elevator I took a fancam which I will be uploading later and he didnt even look back us and he hardly even acknowledged us ;[ Anyways fans took pics of his head from above and I once again stayed away from the crowd and I got a fancam of him from the side so you can see him filling out the form and it was so cute because he grabbed a form from the pile thingie and then all of a sudden he put it back xD When he finished filling out his form they started walking to customs but they went the wrong way at first and then turned around. Changmin was looking very dazed xD Changmin disappeared from sight and all the fans ran to the viewing terrace.
While we were at the viewing terrace I saw these three people who were with Changmin before and they were wearing sunnies and looking very fashionable so I thought oh they must be actors or something but I didnt know their names at the time. Anyway it turns out it was Yoo Hana, Jang Soo Wook and Park Soo Hyun. Lucia and I were the only ones that ended up following them to the gate because they walked over to the viewing terrace and they saw us and then turned around. I think they were kinda lost xD
So we followed them to the departing gate and then all of a sudden Lucia goes Annyeonghasaeyo and I say it as well and then Soo Hyun looks back at me and SMILES and I completely died inside. I think Yoo Hana also looked back and she mightve said Annyeonghasaeyo as well but I wasnt sure since I was just staring at Soo Hyun. Hes really really really handsome in real life and I absolutely loved him in IRIS. I shouldve gotten an autograph but I completely froze so yeah ><
They walked through the gate and while going down the elevator Soo Hyun kinda looked around and he was looking absolutely adorable xD The three of them also had to fill out the customs forms and while Hana and Sang Wook were filling out the forms, Soo Hyun kinda looked around again and I think he mightve been looking through his bag for something but I cant be sure. Anyway I got a really clear pic of him just standing there and looking kind of dazed xD After they filled out the forms they disappeared as well so Lucia and I walked to the café to get a milk shake.
I think that shortly after finishing the milk shake, Changmin appeared and he walked over to this outdoors area where you can have a smoke and I was thinking OMG hes smoking again? >< And well he was and he was smiling with Sang Wook and then Hana appeared and everything. They stayed in there for around 5 minutes and then Changmin walked from one side of the airport to the other side where he completely disappeared for a while. Someone managed to spot him and he was hiding behind a palm tree, so ninja T_T I couldnt even see him until someone pointed him out. He took off his sunnies and he was fixing his hair and he kinda lifted his fringe off his face and it was so adorable. I didnt manage to get any good pics of him fixing his hair because I was too busy staring and the glare from window was really bad >< But I did get a good pic of him just sitting there looking happy.
When the plane was boarding and it was the final call Changmin didnt even move and I saw these 2 guys walk over to him probably telling him to hurry up. The 2 guys disappeared for a while and they emerged holding around 5 coke bottles. It was really weird. Anyway the manager suddenly walked out from the palm trees but I still couldnt see Changmin. They managed stopped like half way and all of a sudden this tall skinny guy starts walking towards him at a really really fast pace. Changmin walks sooo sexily. Lucia managed to get a fancam of him walking so Ill upload it soon once she sends it to me. When Changmin is like within 5 metres of the gate he puts out his hand to grab something from his manager like a little kid does with their mum and it was soo cute. The manager gave Changmin his neck pillow and he put it around his neck xD Changmin checked into the gate thingie and he was about to walk in when he stopped and he started talking to this man who I think mightve been the director. Changmin was smiling and everything and it was so adorable. He disappeared after a while and all the fans were like crawling on the floor so they could see his legs just as he disappeared. We all waved at him but he probably couldnt see us and he disappeared from sight.
I think Ill talk about the other 4 actors here since you guys might not really be interested in them xD
While Changmin was checking in Lee Yeonhee was also checking in and she was smiling and she looked sooo pretty. Her skin is so white and flawless and her hair is perfect. Shes also really really skinny and omg shes so stylish. I think that Yeonhee checked in just before Changmin but Im not really sure if it is her in the pictures that I took.
Joo Sang wook was wearing a beanie and he had sunnies on and he looked soo frigging HOT. He was carrying an LV bag which he slung over his shoulder stylishly xD He doesnt really like a 32 year old. Hes also pretty tall but not as tall and Changmin and he seemed pretty close with Hana and Soo Hyun. While we were waiting for Changmin at the viewing gate, I looked down into the shopping area where they sell sunnies and Sang wook appears and hes looking in the mirror and checking himself out. It was so adorable. The fans were all laughing because he probably didnt know that we could see him and yeah. He tried on some sunnies and he fixed his hair a bit inside the beanie. I didnt get any pics cause I was too busy staring/laughing/spazzing. He walked away after a while and then we couldnt see him anymore. Sang wook checked in with Soo Hyun so they probably stayed together while in the shopping area/place. They looked like really good friends. Sang wook checked in before Soo Hyun and he looked back when he was walking into the tube/gate thingie. They all looked so happy ><
Yoo Hana was also really pretty and skinny in real life. She was wearing this purple parka vest thingie and on the back it said Free City which was kinda weird, that was also one of the reasons why I didnt think she was Yoo Hana at first. She checked into the gate before Sang wook and Soo Hyun and I think she mightve been with her manager and stylist and stuff.
Okay lastly Park Soo Hyun.
When I was waiting for Changmin this guy in orange walked past me and we were sooo close and when I saw his face I was like OMG WASNT HE IN IRIS? But then I was like hmm but thats weird I didnt see his name on the cast list or anything (not that I knew his name at the time). So he walked past me and I kinda just let him past because I was too busy staring at Changmin but I swear that Soo Hyun looked at me just as he walked past >< Hes so handsome. I really liked his character in IRIS and he was really hot and sexy when killing the bad guys in IRIS. xDDDDDDDD At the check in counter I saw him again and he was standing near Changmin and talking and everything and I think he mightve looked over at me again unless I was imagining things xD He walked away after checking in and then when we were waiting at the viewing terrace he appeared again wearing a brown jumper. I also thought this was weird and I didnt recognize him at first because he was wearing an orange shirt before and Sang Wook or Hana didnt change their clothes or anything. Anyway we followed them as I mentioned above and I said hello in Korean and he turned around and smiled at me. HE HAS SUCH A CUTE SMILE. Im like his fan now xD. He seemed like a really nice person whos all smiley and stuff. I talked before about him filling out his form and him checking in with Sang Wook so I wont write about it again. This is getting awfully long.
Anyway that was the end of one of the most epic days of my life. I hope you guys enjoyed my fanaccount and I know that it was really long and probably incoherent in some places so if you read it all, thank you. ^^
If youre taking this out please credit mcxmelody@me2day.
credit soompi
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14 ม.ค. 53 10:25:44