ความคิดเห็นที่ 149 |
[Jan-17-2010] What are Rain's plans in 2010?
Ninja Assassin starring Rain has recently started to turn a profit, recovering its production though minors are not allowed to watch the movie. That's why there is a strong possibility of that Rain'll receive an offer to appear in his next Hollywood movie as the leading role.
Rain's schedule for this year has been finalized only until January, so he'll complete his plans to hold his Asia Tour, 'Legend of Rainism', by the end of this month, and he's thoroughly been looking into the scripts of some dramas and movies which will be his next activity after his Asia Tour.
Rain's agency said, "Rain is fully ready to do any artistic work beyond the parameters of genres such as music album, drama, and movie if there is an exciting opportunity for his next career."
credit to Sports Joseon http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=076&aid=0002018804
Brief translation by rain bird.@ rain-eu
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17 ม.ค. 53 18:58:38