ความคิดเห็นที่ 10 |
ขอลงข่าว ฝาชี ที่รัก ก่อนดีก่า
เป็นการรักษาใจแม่ยก คิม ทั้งหลาย ว่าจุงจ๋า ยังดีอยู่
เครดิต: www.ss501fighting.com
Credit: dretolity@www.hyunjoongchina.com+Korean TS blog Please dont reedit Do not HOTLINK Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! **************************************************************
Do you remember Hyun Joongs recent news about he attended his friends wedding party lately?
He also sang wedding song for them.
Finally, a Korean TS put out some photos of him at the wedding.
Even though I dont know his deep feeling in heart, I am still glad to see him with smile
not a big one though
However, I also heard a not so good news of him in this party.
He got drunk
we all know that he has high tolerance in alcohol
so he must be still hurt at that time
I just hope and hope to believe after these few days, he is getting better now.
Anyway, as I said, he is experiencing some bad thing in his life, however, I still choose to believe in him
So I will just let him decides what is good for him
for his future or for his life
All I will do is to support all his decision by his side.. 24/7 days and night
Here is the photos of him at the wedding
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นู๋ดี (คิม ดี จุง) (noonasandee)
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28 ม.ค. 53 19:42:38