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ภาษาอังกฤษยาว ๆ แบบนี้ ถามผู้ช่ำชอง เอ้ย....เชี่ยวชาญด้านภาษาแล้วว่า แปะได้
The 2010 Oscar Snubs: What? No Ninja Assassin?!
by John Lopez February 2, 2010
In a bid to bring parity to the Oscars, the Academy expanded the best-pictures nominees to ten this year in hopes that, by opening the field so wide, it could prevent gross, egregious oversights such as last year's epic snub of The Dark Knight. And for Blind Side fans, or those happy that Pixar finally got some best-picture love with Up, that would seem to be the case. But the expanded field makes so much more bitter the taste of snubbing for those left behind, including (500) Days of Summer, The Hangover, and, in all but a few technical categories, Star Trek. But this morning's greatest atrocitya veritable crime against cinema equivalent to Universal's "happy ending" cut of Brazilwas the glaring omission of Ninja Assassin from the list of nominees.
Perhaps you have not seen this treasured gem of modern-ninja loreshuriken meets shoulder-mounted-rocket-launcherwhich would not be surprising as it, like There Will Be Blood, raked in a modest $40 million at the box office. But with a script by The Changeling's J. Michael Straczynski, direction by V for Vendetta's James McTeigue, and the guidance of cyber-punk gods the Wachowskis, this film should have been on your must-see list. If that wasn't enough, the Hollywood debut of Korean pop-deity Rain surely should have lured even the most skeptical viewer.
Such a viewer would have been treated to a love-story of touching poignancy and epic proportions; a conspiracy-thriller on par with Three Days of the Condor; and finely texture CGI flesh wounds that would make James Cameron blush with envy. From the opening scene, where an evil Yakuza beats up a kindly old tattoo artist before being sliced in half by a shadowy demon-ninja, this movie has you. We flash forward to Pirates of the Caribbean's Naomie Harrissmart, intelligent, and neglected, she's onto something that would make the world tremble in fear if it only knew: a shadowy cartel of ninja warriors who perform political assassinations for hire. If she could but capture one of these mythical "ninjas," strap him to a concrete wall, bare-chested, and cover his naked torso in Klieg-lighted oil, then all would be right in the world. Enter Rain.
We dare not reveal more, as to ruin this masterpiece would be its own crime against humanity. However, we will confirm what you may already have suspected: Yes, the film does climax with a French Humvee assault on the ninja fortress. We think, though, that we've made our point. Dear Members of the Academy, if you can nominate a film about neon blue Thunder Cat eco-terrorists, how could you ignore the tender love story a boy, a girl, and a shadowy organization of blood-thirsty demon warriors bent on world domination?
We shall go weep alone in peace now. Wake us in March.
Source : http://www.vanityfair.com/online/oscars/2010/02/the-2010-oscar-snubs-what-no-ninja-assassin.html
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