ความคิดเห็นที่ 163 |
From 0:05 HS: They dont care about me. MH/KB: Come here. HS: That is a social etiquette. HS: Im not going there. KB to MH: You only invite (ask HS to sit together) her ONCE? KB to HS: Come sit here. HS: I dont want. HS: They invited me reluctantly (not sincerely). KB to MH: You have to invite her 3 times. (KB sounds so So Yi Jung-ish here. Sounds like he knows everything about woman). MH to HS: Come sit here. KB to MH: After you invited her 3 times, there she comes. See, I told you so. HS: Theres no space for me to sit.
From 0:35 HS: Weve kissed (worked the kissing scene) without any mistakes, now give me a piggy-back. Now MH: I dont want. HS: My legs bone is broken. MH: Its not broken. HS: Give me a piggy-back. Now. MH released his arm from HSs clinging hand to show that hes not giving in to HSs pleading. HS: Did you see that (MHs rudeness)?
From 0:52 Cameraman: Rolling! Text: Hide and seek. Text: Find where Jandi is. Text: Where do you think Jandi is? Seems like HS wanted to tell everybody how big MH is and how petite she is compared to MH.
From 1:13 MH (not sure): Please dont fall backward. MH (not sure): Can you skate by yourself? HS: Of course I can.
HS: I dont like it.
PD: Take her hand and put the glove on her hand.
PD: Right hand, right?
HS to MH: Please lend me the left hand side glove as well.
MH: Is it too big? HS: You dont want to lend me the other one?
PD: Put her hand into your pocket and go skating like that.
PD: Jandi seems to roll over. Someone: Slowly.
From 1:56 HS: You! Text: Does it looks like a threat?
Pink text: HS never tried ski before.
Someone: Careful. MH: Wait. HS: My leg moves on its own. PD/ Staff: You are a man right? Give her a hand! MH to PD/Staff: What a harsh words! PD: Take off the goggle. HS/MH: Are we going to shoot after I take off the goggle? PD/Staff: OK
MH: Did something get into your eyes?
Staff: Have your cough gone? MH: (I cannot read) MH: I dont cough when Im focused on the work. HS: Please give me one, too. MH took one cough lozenge for himself and took another one and handed it to HS. Staff: Please try this. HS: We have to finish it quickly.
From 2:59 PD: Wrong! MH: Sorry.
MH: Why is that star
PD: Cut! OK
From 3:25 Staff: Wow, you look sexy. Staff to MH: Set you hair to the side. HS: Should we make it wetter? Staff: No need. PD: Please do something with Jandis hair as well.
PD: Cut!
PD: The milky white skinned Geum Jandi. HS: Stop it!.
From 4:30 Staff: You sure feel sad, right? HS: I have tears in my eyes. Staff: Really? MH: An ad-lib expert (in a playful sarcasm tone). MH: Should I give a shoulder to cry on?
4:49 HS: He (MH) was so concerned about me, he was a great partner. Because of Minho, I had a great time. Itd be great if we all (all the actor/actress involved) can shoot together. Itd be great if theres season 2 but there wont be any. I love you. Bye.
Cr: Joondi@Soompi
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15 ก.พ. 53 23:44:09