ความคิดเห็นที่ 180 |
สวัสดีพี่ส้มแป้น น็อต พี่อิ๋ว พี่เหมี่ยวฮาจิจ้า
Quote: Note - This is a fan account from a Bigeast (Official Japanese Fan club), who got special passes from her friends (staff) to watch and enter the FNS Song Festival (091202 - Kobe Memorial Hall). She did not write this story but she directly shared to my friend, who in turn shared to our group. (Sadly she wants to remain anon.)
From what the Bigeast said, FNS Song Festival, we all know the boys are separated in two groups. So they can't be seen normally talking in the Hall. When they were performing on stage, SME staff were closely watching them.
After the event when they left the Hall (outside), fans who were there including the Bigeast telling the story, went outside to see them off while the boys were waiting for their separate vans. It was quite crowded with staff, other fans and artists.
While they were waiting, Yunho went near Jaejoong and pulled his bag lightly. Jaejoong looked at him and they shared a smile!! but only for a brief moment ;__; then Yunho went in the HoMin van.
The Bigeast said they were quite a few who saw this. and she said, it seems they are quite content with this action.
credit to: uee jung + bigeast fan shared by: th412
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20 ก.พ. 53 12:19:46