ความคิดเห็นที่ 54 |
จาก crunchyroll โดย jkpower อิชชี่สาวคนนี้จริงๆ 55555555555555 junki sang Bopeep ของ Tiara ด้วย Someone saw Junki by chance She wrote in JK cy
우연히 마주친 두번째 준기씨
예전에도 한번 그 근처에서 한번 봤었는데 오늘 기억하시나요?(오늘인가? 새벽에..) 예전엔 너무 이른 새벽이였고 길거리여서 개늑시 당시 배우분들과 술자리이신거같아서 다가가지 않았었는데 오늘은 정말 놀랐었어요 히어로 정말 잘보고있다고 말했던 마산(준기씨는 창원! 마창진 통합!!ㅊㅋㅊㅋ) 이라고 말했던 아이랍니다..(아이???ㅋㅋㅋ) 준기씨한테 오빠라고 불러도 되는 나이니까 아이?? 진짜 히어로 잘봤어요. 드라마를 안본지 오래되서 몰랐었는데 다시보기로 정말 1회부터 다봤었을정도로 진도혁기자의 팬?ㅋ 아무튼.. 어제 정말 반가웠어요.. 인간적인 그런모습에 정말 감동~ㅋㅋ
사람들이 쪼금 "이준기? 학교다닐때 성격있고 왕자병에...." 어쩌고라고해서 연기는 정말 잘한다고 생각했지만 가식일꺼라고 안좋게 생각했었는데 정말 그런건 다 소문이란걸 알았습니다.. 정말 추웠는데 덕분에 오래 가까이 가진못했지만 즐거운 시간보냈습니다.. ㅎ~ 준기씨랑 일촌하고싶지만 선뜻 일촌신청 못하고..ㅋㅋ 담에 또 우연히 봐요~^^
싸인 감사했습니다~ 새벽에 받은싸인.. 횽??ㅋ 효정이예요~ 다들 이 싸인보고 호랑이로보인데요.. 호랑님?ㅋㅋㅋ 준기씨도 늘 건강하고 행복하시길^^
+.. 자리에 앉아 춤추시던모습(티아라 노래였죠?^^) 완전 빠져~ 빠져~ 준기씨의 늪에 빠진..ㅋ 진짜 준기씨 노래도 좋아서 배경음악으로 사놓고했었는데 어제 보고 오늘 바로 pc방에서 배경음악으로 깔아놓는센스?^^ㅎ
I can't translate it all, I'm not good at English
I saw you by chance 2 times I had seen you once around there Do you remember today? At that time(1st time), I didn't get near to you coz of very middle of the night, in the street and you were with other actors who were in TBDW. Today I was really surprised I'm the girl from Masan, told you that I really enjoyed HERO I'm a fan of Jin Do-Hyuk anyway, I was really happy to see you I'm so touched, you have so nice personality people around me had said LJK may have wild temper when he was in high school days so I thought you're very good actor(have great acting skill) but I didn't know your personality I realized today my friends said wrong thing, just rumor It was very cold today but I really had happy time thanks to you I hope to see you again by chance someday Thank you for your signature Be always happy and healthy
+ i was enamored of your dancing in siitting, I'm totally fallen love to you, fall into your swamp I liked your songs and bought it before After i saw you today, your song is my backgroung music now
This is a writing in her Cy
내가 서울오면 활주하는 그곳에 위치한 J 모 곳에서 새벽3시 계산을 하고 나오려고 계산하려고 일어나던도중 문이 열리면 들어오던 남정네.. 윤*언니랑 둘이서 "헉..." "이준기.. 이준기??" 이러고 있었다.. 그리고, 계산은 포기하고 앉아서 몇십분을 멍~ 그리고 계산하고 또 1시간을 넘게 멍~ 의자(쇼파?) 위에서 승승장구란 프로에서 흘러나오는 티아라 보핍보핍인듯.. 그 노래가 흘러나오니까 막 흥얼거리며 춤추시고.. 완전 귀여웠다! 준기씨의 광팬은아니지만, 호감을 갖고있던터라 거부하고싶지 않은 좋은추억이였다..ㅋㅋ 소문은 소문인걸까? 정말 착하고 이쁘고 귀엽던.. 취중준기의 모습.. ZZANG~~~
There is a place where i visit whenever I go to Seoul as we're about to leave there at 3 a.m, The door was opening..a man was coming in My friend and I said "Huk.." (*very surprised) "Lee junki...Lee junki???" we stopped going out, sitting back, just looking him for many minutes and after paying the bill, we spent on looking him over 1 hour There was a TV, a song was from TV, I think that was a 'bopeep bopeep' by Tiara JK sang along with that and danced in sitting...He was absolutely cute! It was very good memories to me though I was not Jk's big fan before, but I liked him He is really nice, handsome, and cute.. Jk in drunken is the best~~(Zzang~)
--------------- sorry for my English, hope it can help you to understand
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9 มี.ค. 53 20:11:25