+++[[ คอนโด เฮ (ฮา) ]]+++#190#...YEH for Make a Wish Foundation; Wish by Pure Heart -__-*{แตกประเด็นจาก A8981864}
YEH for Make A Wish Foundation - Korea
Make A Wish Foundation เป็นองค์กรสากลที่สนับสนุนความหวังของเด็กๆ รวมทั้งการดูแลทางด้านการรักษาพยาบาลของเด็ก (ที่อาจจะไม่ปกติทางด้านร่างกาย)
เอาประวัติขององค์นี้มาให้อ่านเล่นๆ cr: wiki
History The Make-A-Wish Foundation originated in Phoenix, Arizona in 1980, when a seven-year-old boy, Christopher James Greicius, was hospitalized with leukemia. The Arizona Department of Public Safety, hospital workers and members of the community teamed up and were able to grant his wish: to become a police officer for one day. Christopher was in a coma at the time, but when his police officer uniform was brought in, Christopher woke up. Ample media coverage led to the founding of a permanent charity organization, using Christopher James Greicius' wish as a model. On 3 May 1980, just four days after his wish was granted, Christopher Greicius died.
Although the Make-A-Wish Foundation was based in the United States of America, a chapter in Canada, called Make-A-Wish Foundation of Canada, was created in 1983 by Nigel Brown and Robb Lucy. The first Canadian wish was granted in 1983. It was a wish for a girl named Debbie who wanted to visit her parents in Germany. She got to visit them in August 1983. She died in October of that year. In addition a non-profit umbrella organization called Make-A-Wish Foundation International, licensed by Make-A-Wish in 1993, fosters the growth of affiliated Make-a-Wish organizations worldwide. More than 30 countries were affiliated in 2005. It has been the philanthropy of NPC sorority Chi Omega since 2000.
In 2006, the foundation formed a partnership with television network ESPN to grant ten of its clients' wishes related to sports and athletes. The segments were televised on SportsCenter in a series called "My Wish".
World Wrestling Entertainment has worked closely with the foundation to grant wishes involving their superstars, especially John Cena.[2] On April 9, 2007, WWE allowed a young boy named Michael Pena to become honorary General Manager of the television show WWE Raw. WWE has been active with the Make A Wish Foundation since its inception.
องค์กรนี้มีหลายประเทศมาก เป็น non-profit organization (องค์กรที่ไม่หวังผลกำไร)ซึ่งเกาหลีก็อยู่ในนั้นด้วย... ที่นุ้งเฮได้ร่วมทำกิจกรรมนี้ 
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