ความคิดเห็นที่ 209 |
PART 2 -Yong-hwa says that he thought of a drink to order for her: "Sweet Potato Latte." Of course, she's happy. He asks her if he think of a drink to order for HIM. She quickly answers, "Sweet Potato Latte." Yong-hwa, amused, half-laughingly says, "You didn't even have to really think about it, did you?" (The implication here is that she didn't really think about what HE would like. But he phrases it politely and subtly ambiguous, rather than saying something actually critical and blunt like, "You didn't really think hard about [what I wanted], did you?" Yong-hwa is laidback and more or less kindly goes with Seo-hyun's flow, so he seems amused -- as opposed to being disappointed.) Seo-hyun confirms that, basically telling him she wants him to enjoy what SHE enjoys. [NOTE: Ah, it's so funny how Yong-hwa is the one who essentially leads the relationship, but in adjusting to her pace and level, he lets her take the reins, which she is only happy to do so. There's no way Yong-hwa doesn't make the Top Celebrity Boyfriends poll in Korea after WGM if he keeps this up.]
-Yoona's letter: Seo-hyun is a innocent girl; unnies have protected her, so please shower her with lots of love.
Tiffany's letter: we put Ju-hyun [NOTE: Seo-hyun's real name is Seo Ju-hyun] in your hands; Seo-hyun is inflexibly obstinate and has a lot of whiny complaints, but please accept her, teach her, and guide her; it's easy to think that Seo-hyun is not someone to be worried about because she does well on her own, but actually, please stay by her side and take care of her. P.S. If you make Ju-hyun cry, all eight of us will hate you! Do well. [NOTE: Tiffany uses formal tone all up until she writes 'Do well.']
Jessica's letter: Do your best; we entrust magnae to you; we expect that you will become a person that is better than a sweet potato to her. kekeke
Hyoyeon's letter: It feels like we're sending magnae to marriage; we entrust you to your care. Oh!! That 2000 won ring, if you wash your hands with it, I think it'll rust.
After reading Hyoyoen's letter, Yong-hwa looks down at his ring, and yup, it has rusted already.
In the interview (@01:52: THAT OUTFIT LOOKS SOOO GOOD ON YONG-HWA; LOVE, LOVE, LOVE), Yong-hwa says that despite their smiles that reach to their eyes ("eye-smiles"), all eight of them have the same look in their eyes that seem to say, 'Jung seobang, are you taking care of Seo-hyun well?' His impression was, 'Ah, SNSD unnies watch over Seo-hyun very well,' but also, 'Ah, I should really do well I should do even better.' Yong-hwa says he will try his best to make sure he will never soil her. [NOTE: Oh, Yong~, you're doing a fantastic job already, so no sweat, k?]
-Seo-hyun's letter:
Yong Oppa, It's still a little awkward. I have a lot of shortcomings and there's a lot I don't know, so please understand. [NOTE: Seo-hyun demands why he's reading so slow. Obviously, it's because she's embarrassed by her note. He answers that he's reading it like she would.] Thank you for making me feel comfortable. Ye~s? Ye~s.* In every situation...
[Back at the studio: The commentators note that Seo-hyun's face has gone red. Park Mi-seon wonders, "Is there still a girl who blushes?" In other words, they're wondering about how many innocent girls there are that they blush so easily. Kim Na-young answers, "Of course! Don't you know how red my face gets after drinking alcohol?" AHAHAHAHA.... LMAO!]
...every meeting is valuable. Let's make many good memories. [NOTE: The more Seo-hyun complains about his reading pace, the more Yong-hwa teasees her by dragging out the words even more slowly. Bless you, Seo-hyun, don't you know he was originally reading slowly to savor your words? Now, he's just poking fun at you. ] Please treat me well.**
*The "Yes~s?"/"Ye~s" is a reference to how Yong-hwa is fascinated and teases her for her 'yes'es. Very nice, Seo-hyun. **Okay, this is a phrase I translated as "I entrust Seo-hyun ot you" in her unnies' letter, because that is the closest translation in English. When Seo-hyun uses it for herself, the meaning changes because there is no equivalent in English, so I'm going to try to explain it. When she uses for herself, I translated it as "Please treat me well," which basically entails, "Please be nice/forgive and forget/etc. when I make mistakes/etc." This is a VERY COMMON phrase in Korea (kdrama viewers will hear it ALL THE TIME), and it's used to show respect for others while humbling him- or herself. It's just standard procedure for someone to say it when a) they're younger, as in Seo-hyun's case wแก้ไขเมื่อ 20 มี.ค. 53 21:20:31
แก้ไขเมื่อ 20 มี.ค. 53 21:26:26
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20 มี.ค. 53 21:19:55