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Credit: zoak @ lalita7.wordpress.com English Translation: justdancenow@Kim Hyun Joong Soompi thread Please don’t reedit
“Since I know that the visit of Kim Hyun Joong is awakening a lot of curiosity, we come back again to tell the adventures of the wolf pack in its quest to Barcelona.
Here you have what happened in the past day, patrolling the city.
With the news that he was leaving Barcelona on Saturday morning to see the Barça-Madrid derby in the capital of Spain, we decided to start the quest through the streets of our beautiful city, and began to plan our movements. We met at 20:30 in a famous Korean restaurant.
I had to do everything possible and impossible to be there, so I ran away from work (I´ll go to hell for that). And Nami, Maykim and we appeared at the door of the restaurant to begin the fishing, where we found new members of the wolf pack (I hope you don´t mind I named you this way) which were informed of the steps of Hyun Joongcito.
20:30 We were regrouped at the restaurant
21:00 After half an hour trying to spot our goal, we decided to go to dinner, hoping that he could show up there. As always, our beloved ajhumma treated us very well and told us that if Hyun Joong passed by the restaurant, she´d notify us.
23:00 After a delicious dinner, talks, laughs and others, and accepting the invitation to strawberries and cream as a dessert, by our dear Onni Kim, we decided to approach the hotel where we thought that our cherished SaintPatron could be in.
23:40 h. (Sorry if the time is not entirely accurate …) Arrival at the hotel door, questioning all of our contacts through Eva. He has left only 10 minutes ago to enjoy Barcelona´s night. We curse taking that delicious dessert invitation: strawberries, damn it! If we only just did´t eaten them…
23:41 Without thinking twice, we decided to patrol the streets of the city. Without any clear thought, we went into restaurants, bars and other places not thinking about what people might say… he is near, we must find him!
From here, again, I have to apologize for not showing you the schedule, everything was chaotic, our battle scream this time: “Fishing!!!!!”
We walked down the famous streets named Ramblas, we met a group of girls who had been with him a few minutes ago.
LOVE OF OUR LIFES … WHERE are you hidden?!
Separation of the Wolf Pack: – You search on this side, the rest go down trough the Ramblas and pass by the Plaza Real.
You´re so close, we have to find you! Phone callings, lots of nervousness …. NOTHING.
Is it possible that having you so close we won´t be able to see you?
We all decided to meet in front of the hotel, we must return there!
The reunification is done slowly, tempers have declined a bit, but we still resist… we will not give up without seeing him! The wolves decided to wait patiently, we are tired, but jokes and messing re-emerged. At this point, decided to take pictures in funny and hilarious poses… (We don´t include those photos cause we want to respect the privacy of our chingus, mianhe!!)
While we were completely immersed in our world la-la-la, Eva had a great idea: why don´t we take another picture jumping in front of the hotel´s door?
After a previous preparation, so we all could be in the picture, we started to “make the goat” (typical Spanish expression meaning: to do crazy and funny things) in the middle of the street:
- 1, 2 and …. wait, wait (failed attempt) – So: one, two, three, go, jump!
Eva decides to record us … suddenly there was silence, MayKim whispered: “They are coming, don´t look!” Then Eva said: “ Don´t move! “
Kim Hyun Joong was in front of us and he was smiling! (Well, maybe we could say that he was laughing at us), but … who cares! THERE HE WAS!
We were paralyzed; Esther stood pointing at him almost breathless, as Eva rebuked her saying: “Don´t point him!” Esther changed his greeting by a slight gesture with his hand, the rest of her body was rigid, like ours, he greeted with that wonderful smile, we answered.”Hiiiiii!”
Noc, our heroine, in a fast movement, stretched out her hand with his camera and asked for an autograph, the rest remained almost hypnotized. He signed it and the staff began to prevent the others to ask for more autographs, making him to enter into the hotel and forbidding us to immortalize the moment with a “no pictures” in a broken English … then the leader, without losing that smile, spoke …what a voice! Here, your editor Zoak, instantly felt in love with that voice…. He said something in Korean to the bodyguard in the door, who asked for paper and a pen, so Kim Hyun Joong could sign autographs, as you read!, Thanks to his intervention, korean bodyguards picked up everything we wanted to give him and promised that they would leave the autographs for us at the hotel´s desk, so we could pick them up the next day. The bodyguard was cool then, and we left screaming with joy…. In fact, I think we still feel like we were smashed!
We parked in front of the hotel for a while, out of ourselves, making pictures…. We believe that a member of the staff was watching us from the balcony, but it´s not sure … we were still completely excited, could hardly believe that he could be so lovely to us.
We were ranting a bit more while watching videos and listening to SS501 music, I barely had the chance to listen, but I must say that I am now a fan.
Finally, I will leave my opinion about Kim Hyun Joong:
Yes girls, yes, he is definitely a charming guy!
He smiled all the time while we were enjoying his presence, and he signed autographs, despite this staff was a little unfriendly sometimes.
No need to say that he is gorgeous, much better in person than in photos or videos. The word I said to him at the airport, GUAPOOOO! (Spanish expression meaning a very handsome guy), is not enough to express how handsome he is. So girls, friends: I declare myself fully and completely in love with Kim Hyun Joong, uri Bombero Soju! Our wonderful new Patron in this blog.
And I can´t finish without thanking all the girls who made real the fishing party: Nami, MayKim, Noc, Emi, Eva, Esther, Gabriela, Laura Marina and I. If I don´t remember all the girls there, excuse me, I’m still excited ….
Without your help, company and now, I hope friendship, the whole adventure wouldn´t have been possible, To say thanks is not enough … Girls: SARANGHE!
I want also to say thanks to all of you who are following the blog, without you, I would never have embarked myself on this adventure. Thanks for reading and commenting!”
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11 เม.ย. 53 11:56:14