ความคิดเห็นที่ 6 |
100505 Ku Hye Sun sang a song on twitter
Translation credit - susAmerica @ soompi (1) seng gaak hae bo myun nahn mu ri ga na bbeun gut ghat ah. If I think about it, I am kind of dumb. (2) nuh reul it neun bhang bub do mo reu go sah rhang ae bbah juh. I don't know how to forget you but I am still falling in love. (1) repeat (3) sah rah gah myun i ju jil ggah nahn ddo sah rhang ae bbah juh maybe I will forget as I live (as time passes), but I am again falling in love.. (4) woo~woo~ nahn nuh reul i jul soo ub suh I cannot forget you. (4) repeat
then you repeat twice in this order: 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4
CR Meow13 Webby นู๋ข่วย
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วันฉัตรมงคล 53 21:44:01