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Good morning All! I read this on soompi thread ....old story of their special friendship. How can SJS reconcile himself that he's gone now?
Posted by cinnyangel....... Here is a story I found that was telling of the special friendship SJS and PYH had....
Priscilla wrote:
It was a Midnight Show called I want to see you, my friend. Tonights guest: Park Yong Ha (from WLS, Loving You) and an actress (I cannot recognize her).
I don't know if that show still exists, but it was a pretty popular show where entertainers were asked, while they were on air, to call their friends (preferably other entertainers) and tell them to come out. This was in order to show which star is friend with whom. Usually, there were 2 guests (or more?) and they were both given chances to call. The guest who got more friends to come out won.
Here was the trick. The friends were not supposed to know this, so if 'friends' did not come, everyone watching the program would think "that friend's NOT that close." (This wasnt always true though, cuz it is usually hard for entertainers to just hang out right when your friend calls you, THAT late.) On the other hand, if that friend showed up, he/she would be 'shocked' to find that the supposed 'cafe' was filled with show host and chorus behind... with direct camera ON. I remember watching this before, and it was nice, cuz it showed some entertainers 'caught unawares' without make-up, nor proper clothing. Once, Yand Dong Gun (from ROYOW) was the guest, but none of the people he called were able to come out... ============================================ Today's Clip shows only Park Yong Has parts.
[quote=Prisci,Mar 3 2005, 01:37 AM]
Today's Clip shows only Park Yong Has parts.
PYH: (low tone, looking down) For me
hes my best friend, and hes an entertainer too. His name is So Ji Sub
Host: So Ji Sub! Chorus: Woooowooo!!! (getting excited)
PYH: (laughing, surprised) You were not this excited before. What happened?!
Host: Actually, these girls they get excited whenever they hear the name of any man.
PYH: (getting serious again) But this friend
he doesnt come out much. Hes the style that likes to stay home.
Host: So he might not come out?
PYH: But since hes my best friend
(calling SJS)
Voice of SJS: (serious) What are you doing?
PYH: Im at a café. What am I supposed to do here? (holding his laughter) Im so lonely so Im drinking café(he was supposed to say coffee but slipped, cracking up)
Voice: by yourself?
PYH: No, with Kyungsung. (still holding)
Voice: ... Id take long if I leave now
PYH: Really? Try to hurry anyways.
Voice: (sighing) O
PYH: OK, hurry up. (chorus woww!!! He hangs up) I was so nervous I said Im drinking café (everyones cracking up)
Skip the other guest part==================== Host: Im think it might be Mr. So Ji Sub whos coming now
(cameras focusing at the entrance) I can see through the camera
(Someones coming in
Chorus: Ahhhhh!!!!~ (going wild, its SJS! Hes wearing a hat and hes dress down. As soon as he sees the crowd, he turns around, and leaves)
Host: (standing up trying to see if SJS really left.) Wow, I think hes shocked.
PYH: (cracking up, and standing, hoping to see SJS coming back) Dont tell me hes really leaving
Other guest: someone elses coming in.
Host: Dont worry, hell come back. Because your friend
Friend 2: (Oh Ji Ho, Korean Actor, entering while everyones applauding and welcoming him.) Hello
PYH: (phone rings and he picks up) Hello?
SJS's Voice: (serious) What is it?
PYH: Hee hee hee (cracking up, speechless)
Voice: (commanding) Come out.
PYH: What? (chorus wow!!!)
Voice: Come out!
PYH: (sheepishly) Were on air
(noise of deep breathing on the other line) Just come in for a little while.
Voice: (sighing deep) Alright
PYH: (after hanging up the phone) He was so shocked he ran away. (turning to his Friend 2 and shaking his hand) Hi hyung(older brother), thank you for coming in. And for not getting scared either. (they introduced each other)
Host: (to Friend 2) Is SJS also treating you as hyung?
PYH: Ji Sub doesnt know him.
(Chorus screaming, SJSs making the big entrance, bowing. He shakes hands with PYH who cracks up bashfully. We can only see SJSs back, but these are the words written about what hes thinking: Youre dead
Host: Youre friends, right? Usually, when friends come here, they go like Hey, whats going on? But this time, he (SJS) went like: Youre dead
(everyones cracking up. (To SJS) So, where were you, at Mapo?
SJS: Yes, I was at Mapo.
Host: Its past 1 am right now. If he calls you this late, could you still come out like this?
SJS: huh
hes my one and only friend.
Host: (chorus go ahhhh) I see
your only friend. (pointing at Friend 2) How did you get to know each other?
Friend 2: I got to know him (PYH) playing basketball together. I just came because I was close by.
PYH: Hey
what? (kee kee kee) What do you mean you came just because you were around here? (everyone laughing)
Host: yes, you wouldnt have come if you were far, right? (pointing at SJS) I feel SJSs pretty nervous. He came in and he turned around!
SJS: Its been a while since Im in front of the camera. Ive been resting for around 2 months now.
PYH: He finished a drama and he went traveling, just resting. So I havent called him for a while, since hes been away. We havent seen each other for a long time, but now I made him come here suddenly like this, so I think hes just nervous.
Host: I see
So how did you two become friends?
SJS: well
(everyones talking at the same time)
Host: This friend doesnt even remember how they became friends (everyones laughing) Im asking because I dont think you know, really. For example, Mr Oh Ji Ho here became friend playing basketball. What about you?
SJS: I dont really know how we became friends.
PYH: (cracking up) Thats a joke
Actually, before, during Mr. Angs Show
I mean Mr. Andre Kim Show
Host: (looks ) If you say Mr. Ang
Whos going to understand you? Its not Mr. Im, nor Mr. Yang
Are you talking about Andre Kim?
PYH: Yes.
Host: Then, its Mr. Kim.
PYH: (laughing) I just call him Ang
Anyways, we met at Andre Kims Fashion Show, and we found out we were of the same age. But we didnt have a chance to exchange contact numbers. But later, we met at MBC
meaning: at another production.. And we were like: didnt we meet before? And we exchanged contact numbers and we became friends. But in the case of SJS, he's not spontaneous and hes not
open-minded. And he doesnt talk much either.
Host: Yes
mind... open. (joking) Means mind is open, right?
PYH: He doesnt open his heart easily. Thats why I feel so good hearing from him that Im one and only friend.
Host: Wow! So you met Mr. So at Mr. Angs Show, right? (to SJS) Its good to see such young men becoming friends like that.
SJS: He was always a good friend. We could meet whenever we felt lonely, and have drinks together. (chorus wow!) And I would pay for the drinks. (everyone breaks out)
Host: He says hes a friend, but he sounds bitter. (more seriously) Now that you came, what are you feeling now? (SJSs thinking) Tell us youre glad you came. Your friends feeling sorry for you
Im glad I came (looking down to hide his face. Laughter behind, he laughs a little).
PYH: Really, Ji Sub always just says what he has to say in one word and thats the end of the story.
Host: You must feel irritated
PYH: What??? Oh, no
Dont you think thats cool? (chorus Wow!!!)
Host: Didnt you just say he cuts his words short?
PYH: Thats cool. Even I as a man, I like that style.
Host: (in deep thought) What does that make of us??? (scratching his head) Thats why Im saying this
Were far from cutting the words short. Instead we say everything inside out. Explaining, turning words around. (back to SJS) What do you think, so late like this?
SJS: Honestly, I was a little shocked
=======Last scene PYH: he bought me lots of drinks, and we spent lots of money together, and thats how we became closer.
Host: Wow
its been so long since we made a man out of this program! (laughter. Final greetings)
The END==========================
(Translated by Priscilla)
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