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# 74 ห่วงเก้าอี้มากกว่าจุนใช่ไหมเป้ --;
100622 [INTERVIEW] MBLAQ @ KANON Magazine SOURCE: KANON Magazine TRANSLATION: lnw1984@AbsoluteMBLAQ
Absolute quality you wouldn't expect from rookies Talented chic group produced by Rain
The big-name rookies who appeared in the Korean pop world bringing their debut album "Just BLAQ" in October 2009 -- MBLAQ. The group produced by Rain has garnered attention not only from within Korea, but also from major overseas labels. In Korea, many groups debut through music programs or showcases, but MBLAQ debuted at the opening stage of Rain's 2009 Asia Tour, "Legend of Rainism." Afterward they accompanied Rain during his Asia tour, and grabbed the spotlight in various countries.
The group name MBLAQ is an abbreviation of "Music Boys Live in Absolute Quality." True to their name, the five members who gathered have strong skills in dance and singing that you wouldn't expect from rookies. Also, many idol groups sell themselves with their freshness or boyishness, but MBLAQ's debut concept was being "chic." In particular, G.O appeared with a beard, which is unthinkable for young idols. They emit a uniqueness that plays a part in MBLAQ producing a color different from other groups. Musical talent, their concept, along with a refined style are the reasons for MBLAQ's popularity.
Interview MBLAQ
MBLAQ released their 2nd single "Y" seven months after their great debut in 2009. While retaining their MBLAQ-ness, their visuals and the ambiance of the song has changed entirely, drawing the interest of many listeners. In this interview, we close in on their true faces.
Q: From the time of your debut, you were referred to as "Rain's favorite children." Do you feel pressure from that?[b/] C: Personally, I like the title "Idols raised by Rain." G: Certainly there is pressure, but we're working hard to overcome that. S: Right now we're accepting that pressure, and using it as encouragement. M: It makes me feel like we need to work even harder because of it. J: I don't want to sully the name of our big senior who is also a world star.
[b]Q: What words of advice from Rain have left the greatest impression on you? G: If you do your best, you won't have any regrets. J: Sleep after you're dead. S: Hard work will not betray you. C: Watch out for your ears. M: If you don't sleep now, you can achieve your dreams.
Q: What are your individual roles within the group? S: I'm the leader, but I'm also everyone's older brother, and friend. M: I'm in charge of rap, and in private I'm in charge of gags and being the maknae. G: I'm the main vocalist. In private I'm the source of the group's energy (laugh). J: I'm a vocalist, and in private I'm in charge of chocolate abs! (laugh) C: I'm a rapper and vocalist. In private....nothing, really (laugh).
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26 ส.ค. 53 08:39:09