ความคิดเห็นที่ 49 |
What do you mean by wishing they would show it a bit longer? The air time or do you mean that the series is going to end too fast since it airs five days in a row.
I am guessing you are a big fan of Dan Worrawech
yeah, i'm a fan 55 busted. I mean both air time and the series could have more episodes perhaps. Either way, it's alot better than I expected.
Dan and Um are so unexpected to me. They just turned out so right for each other. For a while I thought Dan is nang ek and Um is pra ek 55555555
The big boss is soooo good. I don't know how he does it. And all his beauty tips are priceless..lol
and I agree, I like all the cast except with Jakrit being Tanya's dad. He's not old enough. But in overall.. i really like it ^^
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12 ก.ย. 53 16:16:05